Base Fees definition
Examples of Base Fees in a sentence
A live-in companion is considered an additional person living in the Unit and is required to pay the Base Fees associated with the Resident’s Unit.
The Minimum and Maximum Base Fees are adjusted annually as follows: (2) In the table in paragraph (b)(1) of this section, a Non-leveraged SBIC means any SBIC that, as of the date of the examination, has no outstanding Leverage or Leverage commitment, has no Earmarked Assets, and certifies to SBA that it will not seek Leverage in the future.
Beginning on October 1, 2021, SBA will annually adjust the Min- imum Base Fee and Maximum Base Fees using the Inflation Adjustment and will publish a Notice prior to such adjustment in the FEDERAL REGISTER identifying the amount of the fees.
Kreitz, T., Bornholdt, R., Krings, M., Henning, K., Thielecke, F.: Simulation-Driven Methodology for the Requirements Verification and Safety Assessment of Innovative Flight Control Systems.
The Company may terminate this Agreement without cause by making a payment to the Consultant that is equivalent to six months Base Fees payable to the Consultant.