Examples of Baseline Targets in a sentence
Grantee must also revisit its LPGT and develop Baseline Targets and Stretch Targets for each of the five Common Metrics and develop Gap Closing Targets that Focal Student Groups will be expected to meet over a five-year period.
Grantee must, at the timeline communicated by Agency, also revisit its LPGTs and develop Baseline Targets and Stretch Targets for each of the five Common Metrics and develop Gap Closing Targets that Focal Student Groups will be expected to meet over a two-year five-year period.
Grantee must, at the timeline communicated by Agency, also revisit its LPGTs and develop Baseline Targets and Stretch Targets for each of the five Common Metrics and develop Gap Closing Targets that Focal Student Groups will be expected to meet over a two-year period.
Baseline Targets Targets: Description of Stakeholder InputThe mechanism for soliciting broad stakeholder input on targets in the SPP, including revisions to targets.
This enables a comparison to be made between the initial Baseline Targets and performance in 2003/04.
Local Outcomes Local Performance Indicators Frequency / Type / Source Baseline Targets & Timescales Local Outcome 5.1 Early years services deliver improvement across all developmental indicators Reduce the number of Low Birth Weight Babies Proportion of low birth weight xxxxxxxxx babies SMR2 (Maternity Inpatient Care) records published by ISD.
The initial Cross Authority Baseline Targets resulting from this survey for Leicestershire are set out in Table 1, Appendix 3.
There may be a number of reasons for this: • The initial Cross Authority Baseline Targets are based on limited information, in many cases on small survey numbers and figures that do not directly relate to Leicestershire and should therefore be treated with extreme caution.• There may have been changes in the pattern of performance as a result of, or incidental to, the implementation of Supporting People.• The ODPM survey was a snapshot in time and may not have reflected the true picture at that time.
Baseline Targets FFY2018 Targets: Description of Stakeholder InputOn November 7, 2013, 63 stakeholders participated in Annual Performance Report (APR) target setting and dialogue on State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) content.
The Baseline Targets do therefore need to be treated with a degree of caution.The survey was also able to provide information concerning imports and exports (i.e. where people have come from when they move into an authority and where authorities have exported clients).