Integrated Plan definition
Integrated Plan means the plan developed following the Integrated Guidance, which includes the SIA, which has a focus on increasing academic achievement by all students, reducing academic disparities for identified student groups, and meeting students’ mental and behavioral health needs in addition to other needs deemed important at each school, stated outcomes, strategies, and activities The plan may only be adjusted with approval from ODE staff in order to align with the anticipated outcomes and approved by Agency.
Integrated Plan means the Yakima river basin inte- grated water resource management plan developed through a consensus-based approach by a diverse work group of repre- sentatives of the Yakama Nation, federal, state, county, and city governments, environmental organizations, and irriga- tion districts, which is to be implemented consistent with congressional Yakima river basin water enhancement project enactments and for which the final programmatic environ- mental impact statement was made available for review through public notice published in the federal register (77 FR 12076 (2012)).
Integrated Plan means a detailed environmental impact statement that is integrated with a comprehensive plan or subarea plan and development regulations.
Examples of Integrated Plan in a sentence
Beginning in October of 2023 and continuing each quarter thereafter, Grantee must submit a narrative Performance Progress Report detailing its Integrated Plan activities to the Agency using the form provided by the Agency.
More Definitions of Integrated Plan
Integrated Plan means the Yakima river basin integrated water
Integrated Plan means the plan developed following the Integrated Guidance, which includes the High School Success program, and which has a focus on increasing academic achievement by all students, reducing academic disparities for identified student groups, and meeting students’ mental and behavioral health needs in addition to other needs deemed important at each school, stated outcomes, strategies, and activities The plan may only be adjusted with approval from ODE staff in order to align with the anticipated outcomes and approved by Agency.
Integrated Plan means the Plan the Employer has so selected under Section 7 of the Adoption Agreement allowing either: (1) the Permitted Disparity (Integration with Social Security) Contribution Formula for Employer Nonelective Contributions; or (2) the Permitted Disparity (Integration with Social Security) Allocation Formula for Employer Nonelective Contributions. The Employer may not adopt this Plan as an Integrated Plan if the Employer maintains any other integrated plan providing for permitted disparity which covers any of the same Participants under this Plan.
Integrated Plan means an Integrated Plan developed by the City in accordance with the EPA guidance titled “Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning Approach Framework” dated June 5, 2012 (the “EPA Framework”).
Integrated Plan means the Integrated Plan developed by Lima using
Integrated Plan means the Integrated Plan for Behavioral Health Services and Outcomes required by this section.
Integrated Plan means the plan prepared by the HVCCC in accordance with the System Rules and provided to all logistics service providers in the Hunter Valley Coal Chain on a 36 hour basis (or such other time frame as otherwise agreed by the members of the HVCCC) setting out the plan for the running of Coal Trains, assembly of cargoes and loading of vessels.