Examples of BAT reference document in a sentence
Split view summaryCEFIC (supported by FR, PL, SK and FuelsEurope) proposes to extend the exclusion to the combustion of refinery fuels carried out: as a sub-activity of the refining of mineral oil and gas or, as an activity directly associated to the refining of mineral oil and gas which is integrated with the energy system of the refinery;mentioning that these activities are covered by the BAT reference document for the refining of mineral oil and gas (REF BREF).
The facility will be compliant with the requirements of the EU Commission’s Waste Treatment BAT reference document (October 2018) which includes the requirement to prevent, or where that is not practical, reduce emissions to air, in particular of dust, organic compounds and odour.
Currently, the BAT reference document for large combustion plants is under review.
The incineration of waste in a new installation requires that the installation meets current and relevant technical guidance, which is based on the IPPC BAT reference document (BREF) on best available techniques for waste incineration, In the UK, the main technical guidance is contained in The waste incineration BREF and UK technical guidance note s5.01; guidance for the incineration of waste and fuel manufactured from or including waste.
After the adoption of a decision in accordance with paragraph 5, the Commission shall without delay make the BAT reference document publicly available and ensure that BAT conclusions are made available in all the official languages of the Union.
EU poultry meat sector is part of the solutionThe revision of the BREtf for slaughterhouseThe working group is actively participating in the current review of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference document for slaughterhouses and animal by-product industries, the main document of Directive (CE)75/2010.
It is however not their intention to provide a BAT reference document as it is not intended to specify the best monitoring techniques but it is their intention to provide an exchange of views and practices [IPPC’99] to enhance the licensing.
BAT reference document (BREF), resulting from exchanged information between MSs, Industries and Organizations , is defined in Article 3(11) of the IED.
The guidelines furthermore define EU standards not only as mandatory limit values to be met by individual undertakings but also as the obligation under the IPPC Directive for such undertakings to use the best available techniques as set out in the most recent relevant information published by the Commission pursuant to Article 17(2) of that Directive, i.e. the relevant BAT reference document (BREF) (1).
BAT 20, 21] Techniques The BAT reference document on Energy Efficiency (ENE BREF) contains BAT conclusions that are of relevance for the reduction of energy consumption and the efficient use of energy.