Examples of Board Size in a sentence
So long as the CBG Group continues to hold at least the Target Number of Shares, the Board shall not (i) propose or resolve to change the Board Size, except where otherwise required by Applicable Law, as provided in Section 2.1(h), or with the consent of the Holder, or (ii) present a slate of Company Nominees to the shareholders of the Company for election to the Board that is greater than or fewer than the Board Size.
Notwithstanding Section 2.1(a), if the Company is prevented by the Act from filling a vacancy with a CBG Nominee in accordance with the foregoing sentence, the Board shall, to the maximum extent permitted by the Act, promptly resolve to increase the Board Size until the next meeting of shareholders and appoint such replacement CBG Nominee(s) to the Board.
Variables: CF= Cash Flows; SPR= Share Price Returns; BS= Board Size; BI= Board Independence; ACS= Audit Committee Size; ACI= Audit Committee Independence; BM= Board Meeting, LEV= Leverage; and FS= Firm Size.
With nonasphaltic fiber-reinforced paper facers meeting or exceeding the requirements for ASTM C1289-06, Type II, Class 1, [Grade 2 (20 psi)[ [Grade 3 (25 psi)], 1.5 inch minimum thickness, with the following characteristics: Board Density 2.5 lb/cu ft Board Size [48x48][48 x 96] inchesBoard Thickness [ ] inches LTTR Value 5.7 min/inchBoard Edges square PART EXECUTION EXAMINATION Verify that surfaces and site conditions are ready to receive work.
The Board of Managers may, by a resolution, change the number of seats constituting the Whole Board to any number of seats within the Variable Board Size.
Board Size Boards should be appropriate to the size and complexity of the company.
Board Size Vote for a fixed number of directors on the board.Vote for management proposals to change the size of the board unless the request seeks to increase the board size to more than 12 total directors.
The parties agree that the Merger shall not be conditioned upon approval of the Board Size Amendment, and if such approval is not obtained at the FBS Meeting, the FBS Certificate as amended at the Effective Time, shall not include the Board Size Amendment.
The following non-financial performance measures impact on performance and are likely to affect earnings management; Strength of Corporate Culture, Executive Compensation Policy, Board Size, Auditor Quality and Customer Satisfaction.Customer satisfaction enhances customer patronage as high satisfaction creates an emotional bond with the brand or company (Kotler, 2003).
Finished Board Size: 14" x 17".(This is to include the mounting or matting.