Examples of Bond Connect in a sentence
In the event that the relevant systems fail to function properly, trading through Bond Connect may be disrupted.
Trading through Bond Connect is performed through newly developed trading platforms and operational systems.
The Fund is a CIBM Fund and may gain direct exposure for no more than 20% of its total assets to onshore bonds distributed in Mainland China in the CIBM via the Foreign Access Regime and/ or Bond Connect and/or other means as may be permitted by the relevant regulations from time to time.
Under the prevailing regulations in Mainland China, eligible foreign investors will be allowed to invest in the bonds circulated in the China Interbank Bond Market through the northbound trading of Bond Connect (“Northbound Trading Link”).
The China interbank Bond Market (“CIBM”) is the over-the-counter market for bonds issued and traded in the PRC via the Foreign Access Regime (as defined below) and/or the Bond Connect (as defined below).