Boundary Point Metering System definition
Examples of Boundary Point Metering System in a sentence
User in respect of its Embedded Exemptable Large Power Station whose Boundary Point Metering System is registered in SMRS or is registered in CMRS by another User who is responsible for the Use of System Charges associated with the BM Unit registered in CMRS shall enter into and comply with a BELLA as identified in Paragraph 1.3.1(d).
Responses must be typewritten on the company’s letterhead and placed in one three-ring binder with tabs as follows: Tab I - Vendor must enclose a complete and signed pricing sheet located in Laredo ISD procurement posted bid webpage.
User in respect of its Embedded Exemptable Large Power Station whose Boundary Point Metering System is registered in SMRS (or who intends to so register) or in CMRS by a User who is responsible for the Use of System Charges associated with the BM Unit registered in CMRS (or who intends to so register), shall complete and submit to The Company a BELLA Application and comply with the terms thereof.
This Code of Practice states the practices that shall be employed, and the facilities that shall be provided for the measurement and recording of the quantities required for Settlement purposes on each circuit at an Asset providing a Balancing Service, and comprised within a Secondary BMU which is behind a Boundary Point Metering System.
A User in respect of its Embedded Exemptable Large Power Station whose Boundary Point Metering System is registered in SMRS (or who intends to so register) or in CMRS by a User who is responsible for the Use of System Charges associated with the BM Unit registered in CMRS (or who intends to so register), shall complete and submit to The Company a BELLA Application and comply with the terms thereof.
User in respect of its Embedded Exemptable Large Power Station whose Boundary Point Metering System is registered in SMRS (or who intends to so register) or in CMRS by a User who is responsible for the Use of System Charges associated with the BM Unit registered in CMRS (or who intends to so register), shall complete and submit to NGC a BELLA Application and comply with the terms thereof.
BELLA: provisions associated with such Embedded Exemptable Large Power Stations whose Boundary Point Metering System is registered in SMRS and which therefore have no rights and obligations under Section 3 of the CUSC.