BSA definition
Examples of BSA in a sentence
Neither this Agreement nor any interest therein nor claim there under shall be assigned or transferred by the Contractor except as expressly authorized in writing by BSA, provided that the Contractor or its assignee’s rights to be paid amounts due as a result of performance of this Agreement may be assigned to a bank, trust company or other financing institution, including any federal lending institution.
BSA’s acceptance and its subsequent use of goods or services delivered after the agreed upon delivery date shall not constitute a waiver by BSA of any rights arising from said late delivery.
Also, when the work is substantially complete, BSA shall retain an amount it considers adequate to protect BSA and the Government, and at its discretion, may release all or a portion of any excess amount to the Contractor.
BSA will not tolerate non- adherence to safety requirements under this Contract.
The Contractor and all of its lower-tier subcontractors at all levels must comply with 10 CFR 851 Worker Safety and Health Program, to include Appendix A, Worker Safety and Health Functional Areas; BSA’s Worker Safety and Health Program; BSA’s Standards Based Management System (SBMS) (xxxx:// (contact the BSA Contractual Representative for access to or copies of SBMS documents); and DEAR 970.5223-1, Integration of ES&H into Work Planning and Execution (Dec.