Bulk Items definition
Examples of Bulk Items in a sentence
Bulk Items means waste items which because of size or weight cannot be collected as part of routine household refuse collection and have been designated by the local community through rules and regulations to require specific disposal procedures.
Bulk Items must have been previously used by the customer at the Dwelling Unit for which Collection Service is provided.
The term Bulk Items excludes Exempt Waste.Collection Service - Residential Refuse Collection Service, Residential Recyclable Material Collection Service, Scrap Metal Collection Service, and Yard Trim Collection Service.COMAR - the Code of Maryland Regulations.Commingled Recyclable Material (Commingled) - Recovered Materials designated by the County as acceptable for recycling.
Bulk Items - discarded appliances, furniture, tires, carpets, mattresses, and similar large items, which require special collection due to their size, but can be collected without the assistance of special loading equipment (such as forklifts or cranes) and without violating vehicle load limits.
Contractor shall provide with the invoice, a monthly report containing the following tonnages collected within the Township for each of the following materials: Municipal Waste, Bulk Items, Recyclables, and White and Metal Goods.