Toilets Papers, dust, cobwebs, peels, cans/bottles, cigarette butts, excrement on floor, bad smells, water pools, leaking sewage, rodents, animals (dead or alive), overflowing sanitary bins. 0 = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = UNACCEPTABLE (Toilets out of order. Toilets not cleaned on daily basis.) 2 = POOR (Toilets cleaned, but still visible signs of dirt, e.g. dust, cobwebs.) 3 = GOOD (Obvious sign that toilets are cleaned daily.) 4 = EXCELLENT (Extra effort is put in to ensure cleanliness, e.g. using detergents.)
KITCHEN Black Granite counter top, Stainless steel sink (17'' x 20''), glazed wall tiles up to 2 ft above black granite counter.
APPLIANCES The Landlord shall: (check one) ☐ - Provide the following appliances: [ENTER APPLIANCES] ☐ - Not provide any appliances.
Landings After landings have served Purchaser’s purpose, Purchaser shall ditch and slope them to permit water to drain or spread. Unless agreed otherwise, cut and fill banks around landings shall be sloped to remove overhangs and otherwise minimize ero- sion.
Lighting A system of fixtures providing or controlling the light sources used on or near the airport or within the airport buildings. The field lighting includes all luminous signals, markers, floodlights, and illuminating devices used on or near the airport or to aid in the operation of aircraft landing at, taking off from, or taxiing on the airport surface.
Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning General Office Area: The building shall be equipped with a combination heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. The system shall have ducted supply and return air. The space above the ceiling shall not be used as a supply or return plenum. The systems shall be sized in accordance with the
Cooking The University will permit cooking only in the designated kitchen areas of the University Housing. In all other areas, cooking is permitted only with University approved appliances. The following appliances are prohibited: toaster ovens, microwave ovens larger than 800 xxxxx, refrigerators larger than 4.2 cubic feet, gas grills, steamers and any open-flame cooking device or heating unit. For a complete list please reference the Residential Handbook.
Furniture During the Term, at no charge to Subtenant, Subtenant shall be permitted to use the remaining existing modular and office furniture located in the Subleased Premises and described in more particular detail in Exhibit C attached hereto (the “Office Furniture”) as well as all equipment and associated data cabling existing in the Subleased Premises (the Office Furniture together with any equipment and data cabling, being referred to collectively as the “Furniture”). Subtenant shall accept the Furniture in its current condition without any warranty of fitness from Sublandlord (Subtenant expressly acknowledges that no warranty is made by Sublandlord with respect to the condition of any cabling currently located in or serving the Subleased Premises or with respect to the fitness of such cabling for Subtenant’s intend use thereof). For purposes of documenting the current condition of the Office Furniture, Subtenant and Sublandlord shall, within ten (10) days after Sublandlord’s receipt of the Furniture Notice, conduct a joint walk-through of the Subleased Premises in order to inventory items of damage or disrepair. Subtenant shall use the Furniture only for the purposes for which such Furniture is intended and shall be responsible for the proper maintenance, insurance, care and repair of the Furniture, at Subtenant’s sole cost and expense. Subtenant shall not modify, reconfigure or relocate any of the Furniture except with the advance written notice to Sublandlord, and any work of modifying any Furniture (including, without limitation, changing the configuration of, “breaking down” or reassembly of cubicles or other modular furniture) shall be performed at Subtenant’s sole cost. No item of Furniture shall be removed from the Subleased Premises without Sublandlord’s prior written consent.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Landlord shall furnish to the Premises heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (“HVAC”) in accordance with the Design Standards set forth in Exhibit E during Ordinary Business Hours. Landlord shall have access to all air-cooling, fan, ventilating and machine rooms and electrical closets and all other mechanical installations of Landlord (collectively, “Mechanical Installations”), and Tenant shall not construct partitions or other obstructions which may interfere with Landlord’s access thereto or the moving of Landlord’s equipment to and from the Mechanical Installations. No Tenant Party shall at any time enter the Mechanical Installations or tamper with, adjust, or otherwise affect such Mechanical Installations. Landlord shall not be responsible if the HVAC System fails to provide cooled or heated air, as the case may be, to the Premises in accordance with the Design Standards by reason of (i) any equipment installed by, for or on behalf of Tenant, which has an electrical load in excess of the average electrical load and human occupancy factors for the HVAC System as designed, or (ii) any rearrangement of partitioning or other Alterations made or performed by, for or on behalf of Tenant. Tenant shall install, if missing, blinds or shades on all windows, which blinds and shades shall be subject to Landlord’s approval, and shall keep all of the operable windows in the Premises closed, and lower the blinds when necessary because of the sun’s position, whenever the HVAC System is in operation or as and when required by any Requirement. Tenant shall cooperate with Landlord and shall abide by the rules and regulations which Landlord may reasonably prescribe for the proper functioning and protection of the HVAC System.
Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)