Bulk Supply Tariff definition

Bulk Supply Tariff means the consideration charged by the Oman
Bulk Supply Tariff means the tariff charged by the Licensee for (1)
Bulk Supply Tariff means the basis of payment for Active Energy as levied by the Generating Board prior to the Effective Date;

Examples of Bulk Supply Tariff in a sentence

  • Under certain circumstances it may become necessary to amend this Bulk Supply Tariff during its period of application.

  • Accordingly, the GERC through MYT order dated 6th September 2011 has approved the concept of Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) for the Control Period from FY 2011-12 to 2015-16 for allocation of power purchase cost by GUVNL to its subsidiary Discoms.

  • This is proposed to be achieved by differential Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) to each of the DISCOMs which is approved by the Commission.

  • Pursuant to Article 74 of the Sector Law, Condition 21 of the Power and Water Procurement License and the terms of each Licensed Supplier’s Bulk Supply Agreement, Oman Power & Water Procurement Company (OPWP) is required to make Bulk Supplies to Licensed Suppliers in consideration of a Bulk Supply Tariff.

  • The CEGB sold to the 12 Area Boards (the distribution and retailing) companies under a Bulk Supply Tariff (for energy and peak demand).

More Definitions of Bulk Supply Tariff

Bulk Supply Tariff means the price of electricity at the Bulk Supply Point of the power system, which recovers the total cost of generation and transmission services;
Bulk Supply Tariff means the consideration charged by OPWP for the Bulk Supply of
Bulk Supply Tariff means the charges for and terms of wholesale supply of electricity to a licensee under any wholesale trading arrangements
Bulk Supply Tariff means the consideration charged by OPWP for the
Bulk Supply Tariff means the tariff charged by the Licensee for (1) the Bulk Supply of electricity, or (2) the Bulk Supply of Desalinated water, which tariff shall, in each case, be calculated as prescribed in Condition 21 and the Sector Law;
Bulk Supply Tariff means the tariff of that name published by NIE under
Bulk Supply Tariff means the tariff so called and provided for in Condition 3 of Part III;