Business development project definition
Examples of Business development project in a sentence
Key areas of attention for development and integration of safe program- ming, establishing minimum standards that: • generate understanding of safe programming relationships associ- ated to LFS areas of work• develop procedures, practices and standards for safe programming• help implementers and users make informed decisions that are par- ticipatory, prevent causing further harm and protect people’s rights Business development project in Herat, Afghanistan.
One example of such a complex factor is type of project which has been specialised into IS development project and Business development project.
His responsibilities included• Managing a listed company,• Handling IPO, M&A and private equity investment in oil & gas,• Business development& project management,• Managing government relationship & regulatory affairs, Currently as President Petroleum E&P, Ajay is member of Senior Leadership Team (SLT) responsible for E&P business regulatory and corporate affairs, branding andreputation management.