Examples of Busy time in a sentence
After all data of the cache register are transferred into the data register, the device returns to the Ready state, and allows loading the next data into the cache register through another cache program command sequence (80h-15h).The Busy time following the first sequence 80h - 15h equals the time needed to transfer the data of cache register to the data register.
Busy time slots are shown as vertical bars in the corresponding part of the day.
Figure 20 and Figure 21 de- scribe the sequences.User can check operation status by monitoring RB# pin or reading status register commands (70h or 78h), as if it were a normal page program: read status register command is also available during Dummy Busy time (tDBSY).In case of fail in any of 1st and 2nd page program, fail bit of status register will be set however, in order to know whichpage failed, ONFI 1.0 "read status enhanced" command must be issued Refer to section 3.11 for further info.
Working conditions:• Risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to numerous daily face to face contacts with patients and their carers• Required to adhere to standard and COVID-19 pandemic infection control precautions• Exposure to blood and other body fluids as required, depending on patients needs.• Busy, time pressurised clinic environment.
Facility Rentals – Continue to have steady rentals in all facilities including more weddings at Garfield House Sports• Busy time prepping for youth and adult fall sport seasons• Anticipating around 200 youth volleyball players• Adult leagues are filling up with many already full Staffing:• The Recreation division has three positions that are planning to be filled soon.o September 6th should be the first day for our new Sports Coordinatoro Recruiting for the Recreation Supervisor position.
Independent variables Dependent variable: PAWTW Model 1AT0.50 (0.04)**BT0.71 (0.03)**DT0.60 (0.04)**Constant-0.01 (0.02)*R0.59Note: PAWTW = Punctuality and attendance to work; AT=Arrival time; BT = Busy time; DT=Departure time.**p<0.05; *p<0.1. From Table 1 above, given R = 0.50, β = 0.04, this showsa positivisticand statisticalsignificancethat existed between use of computerized platforms, satellite and proper capturing of the arrival time of the contractor without physical follow up.
Working conditions:• Risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to numerous daily face to face contacts with patients and their carers• Required to adhere to standard and COVID-19 pandemic infection control precautions• Exposure to blood and other body fluids as required, depending on patients’ needs.• Busy, time pressurised clinic environment.
Busy time seems to be accurate but call times may not be accurate.
Busy time of year-International Food and Wine Festival-nice event.
Cr Heasman – Busy time with Ministerial visits and Port corridor ceremony.