CAAPP permit definition
Examples of CAAPP permit in a sentence
Accordingly, revision or renewal of the Acid Rain permit may be handled separately from this CAAPP permit and a copy of the new Acid Rain permit may be included in this permit by administrative amendment.
This CAAPP permit contains certain conditions for units at this source that address the applicability of permitting programs for the construction and modification of sources, which programs were established pursuant to Title I of the Clean Air Act (CAA) and regulations thereunder.
These “Title I conditions” within this permit are specifically designated as “T1”, if they reflect requirements established in construction permits issued for this source, “T1R” if they revise requirements established in such construction permits, or “T1N” if they are newly established in this CAAPP permit.
If requested within a CAAPP application, the Agency shall issue a CAAPP permit which contains terms and conditions, including all terms required under subsection 7 of this Section to determine compliance, allowing for the trading of emissions increases and decreases at the CAAPP source solely for the purpose of complying with a federally-enforceable emissions cap that is established in the permit independent of otherwise applicable requirements.
Improving our rate of issuance and effectiveness of CAAPP permit renewals is a necessary and important element of our air program that assists Illinois in meeting its environmental and program objectives of attaining the ozone standard and maintaining attainment of the other National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
An owner or operator of a CAAPP source seeking to make a modification to a source prior to the issuance of its CAAPP permit shall be required to obtain a construction permit, operating permit, or both as required for such modification in accordance with the State permit program under subsection (a) of Section 39 of this Act, as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder.
An owner or operator of a CAAPP source shall continue to operate in accordance with the terms and conditions of its applicable State operating permit notwithstanding the expiration of the State operating permit until the source's CAAPP permit has been issued.
For purposes other than permit renewal, the obligation upon the owner or operator of a CAAPP source to obtain a State operating permit is not removed upon submittal of the complete CAAPP permit application.
Similarly, certain engines exempt from the state operating permit requirement may emit enough nitrogen oxides to trigger the CAAPP permit requirement.
For example, as is explained in the earlier section, certain businesses subject to the requirements of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) are exempt from the state operating permit requirements (i.e., certain dry cleaners); however, they may emit a level of hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions that triggers a CAAPP permit requirement.