Examples of Cancel in a sentence
A fall graduate will be released from this Housing Contract at the end of the fall semester if the Resident submits the Request to Cancel form by December 1.
Your duties in the event of a loss: For Trip Cancellation, Optional Cancel For Any Reason, and Trip Interruption, You must: For Trip Delay: You must obtain any specific dated documentation, which provides proof of the reason for delay or missed connection (airline or cruise line forms, medical statements, etc.).
For cancellation, the Resident must submit the Request to Cancel Form (available on the RLH website) within the time periods set forth below, for approval by RLH consistent with section 6.a or otherwise at its sole discretion.
In such cases, the Company reserves the right to either: a) Cancel the trade altogether; or b) Correct the erroneous price at which the trade was executed to either the price at which the Company hedged the trade or alternatively to the historically correct market price.
Your Right to Cancel (Applicable to Consumers Only) Please contact us if you wish to cancel any policy that we have arranged for you.