New or Changed Sample Clauses
New or Changed. Job Classifications
New or Changed. Jobs
1. At each location covered by this Agreement, the Union shall designate up to two
New or Changed. Regulations – In the event that at any time and from time to time during the Term of the Agreement any Regulations are changed or new Regulations become effective, whether by law, decree, or regulation or by response to the insistence or request of any governmental or public authority or any person purporting to act therefore, and the material effect of such changed or new Regulation
(a) is not covered by any other provision of the Agreement, and
(b) has a material adverse economic effect upon either Party, the affected Party shall have the option to request renegotiation of the pertinent terms in the Agreement. The said option may be exercised by the affected Party at any time after such changed or new Regulation is promulgated, by written notice of desire to renegotiate, such notice to contain the new terms desired by the affected Party. The notification given by the affected Party, will not entitle such Party to suspend its obligations hereunder. If the Parties do not agree upon new terms within thirty (30) Days after the affected Party gives such notice, the affected Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement at the end of the said thirty-day period. Any Product lifted during such thirty-day period shall be sold and purchased under the terms applying hereunder without any adjustment in respect of the new or changed Regulations concerned.
New or Changed. Classification If any new job is established, or if there is a significant change in the job content of any job set forth in this Wage Schedule, or if any job has been overlooked in this Wage Schedule, the Parties hereto are agreed to negotiate which existing classification the job in question is to be placed in.
New or Changed. Jobs
1. The jobs provided for under this Agreement are set forth in Appendix A-2.
2. The job description and labor grade classification for each job in effect as of the date of this Agreement shall continue in effect unless changed in accordance with mutual agreement of the Chair of the Union Negotiating Committee and the Company’s Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, or by a decision by the Board of Arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 9 below.
3. The Chairs of the respective Negotiating Committees shall meet at least annually to discuss issues concerning the job descriptions.
4. At each location covered by this Agreement, the Union shall designate up to two
New or Changed. Job Classification
a) If any new job classifications are established, or if there is a significant change in the job content of any job classification(s) set forth in this Wage Schedule, or if any job classification(s) have been overlooked in this Wage Schedule, the Parties hereto agree to negotiate a rate for the job(s) in question.
b) If the Parties are unable to reach agreement then the dispute will be settled through the Grievance and Arbitration procedures of this Agreement.
New or Changed. Laws or Regulations
19.1 Material Adverse Effect [ ] Applicable. If not checked, inapplicable. Other Modifications to the LEAP RIN Agreement Specify, if any: Schedule to the LEAP RIN Agreement
30.01 All new classifications or new positions within the scope of this Agreement shall be posted in accordance with Article 26. If there is a dispute between the Employer and the Union as to whether the new or reclassified classification or new position is within or outside of the scope of the bargaining units, such shall be subject first to negotiation. Failing settlement, the matter may be referred to the Canada Labour Relations Board for adjudication.
(a) New or changed positions, with the exception of Registered Nurse (Nurse Practitioner)s, shall be submitted by the Employer to the SAHO Classification/Job Evaluation Department for evaluation and classification placement using the SAHO/SUN Position Evaluation Tool. The Parties agree to utilize the agreed upon Position Evaluation Tool in a consistent, fair and equitable manner.
(b) The Employer shall provide to the Local of the Union copies of job descriptions for all job classifications within the scope of the bargaining unit.
(c) In the event the Employee and/or Employer disagrees with the placement of a new or changed position they may request a reconsideration of the position evaluation to the Joint Job Evaluation Committee within sixty (60) days of being notified of the placement.
(d) The joint committee shall be established and comprised of no more than four (4) members two (2) SUN representatives and two (2) Employer representatives. The SUN representatives shall be released from duty to serve on the Committee and salary, including travel time at regular rates of pay, as well as reasonable expenses shall be paid by SAHO.
(e) A decision by the Joint Job Evaluation Committee that results in the Employee being placed in a higher paid classification shall be effective retroactive to the Employee’s date of employment in the new position or effective retroactive to the date the position changed.
(f) If a position is reclassified the incumbent shall remain in the position as reclassified. The incumbent of the reclassified position shall not be subject to a trial period.
(g) If a position is reclassified to a lower paid classification, the incumbent shall maintain her current rate of pay (red-circled) until the rate of pay in her new classification exceeds her red-circled rate. Her increment date for the purpose of wage progression shall be maintained. When applying for vacant positions red- circling applies only to the initialposition.
New or Changed. JOBS New or changed jobs shall be paid at the applicable hourly rate appropriate for the labor grade developed and established in accordance with the CWS Job Evaluation Program.
28.01 All new classifications or new positions within the scope of this Agreement shall be posted in accordance with Article 23. If there is a dispute between the Employer and the Union as to whether the new or reclassified classification or new position is within or outside of the scope of the bargaining unit, such shall be subject first to negotiation. Failing settlement, the matter may be referred to the’ Labour Relations Board for adjudication.
28.02 If a new position, job title classification is not included in Schedule “A”. Classification and hourly rates of pay, the Employer shall establish the wage structure and then give written notice to the Union of its intent to implement the new position, classification or job title.
a) If within thirty (30) days of written notice, the Union objects to the wage structure established by the Employer, and through negotiations succeeds in revising the wage structure, the revised wage structure shall be retroactive to the date of implementation of the new position in the bargaining unit.
(b) Failing resolution by negotiation, the matter shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 17 -