Examples of Cancelation in a sentence
Cancelation or amendment of payment order - You may cancel or amend a payment order you give us only if we receive the communication of cancelation or amendment before our cutoff time and in time to have a reasonable opportunity to act on it before we accept the payment order.
Students have the right to cancel the Enrollment Agreement up to the first day of instruction by submitting the VUIM Enrollment Agreement Cancelation Form to the Registrar.
Cancelation of accrued and unpaid interest on 12% debentures for period January 1, 2017 to December 21, 2017;4.
When coverage for a location is to be excluded subsequent to the effective date of the policy, the New York Designated Workplace Cancelation Endorsement and Notice of Partial Cancelation (WC 31 03 02) must be attached to the policy.
Cancelation of penalty of $103,180 payable to holders of 12% debentures;5.
The students who are in the category of Postponement, Temporary Cancelation, not meeting the academic standing in a particular semester are required to re-activate by enrolling in the courses offered in the next semester.
How to Cancel an Appointment: By Phone (703) 724-0200 or in Person at Riverside OfficeLate Cancelation Policy: I recognize that if I am unable to keep an appointment, it is my responsibility to cancel at least 24 business hours in advance, exclusive of weekends and holidays, by calling RCC at (703) 724-0200.
Cancelation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior to the effective date of cancelation.
Cancelation will not result in a refund of any Pre-Payment (see section 7).
Cancelation of the housing contract for the above reasons may result in the removal of the resident within one to three (1-3) days’ notice, except where the University determines that the continued residency of the student would pose a danger to either the health or welfare of the residential community.