Examples of CAP System in a sentence
Cap system, including any engineered components that are constructed through the cap system, and surface water control structures.
Both principal and agent are better off under MCCS than under the Cost Cap system, and therefore no party should have a stake in opposing implementation.
Use the PermaTimber® Snap Cap system to conceal the screw or leave as a face-fix screw.
Scope and Contributions: Rather than having ISPs act as arbiters who set policies regarding what constitutes fair usage of a shared resource, in this paper, we propose a vol- untary, market-based Trade & Cap system in which user software agents converge to an allocation of resources that is perceived to be equitable by the community of users, irre- spective of what these resources are used to support (HTTP vs P2P traffic) and irrespective of the absolute resource al- location (traffic volume) per user.
Additionally, the SPP Market Monitoring Unit recently determined that this situation could be resolved by computing Generator-to-Load-Distribution Factors (GLDF) for the temporary flowgates and making them available to the Offer Cap system.
Using the above spatial and temporal constraints on ice margin movement over the last ~2000 years, model simulations can be used to explore the climate sensitivity of the Divide Ice Cap system, and to estimate the temperature changes required to reproduce the observed advance and retreat cycle.
First, the optimization problem under the Cost Cap system is simpler because budget inflexibility causes each period’s decision problem to be independent of the next.
There is evidence that players are more risk averse at higher stakes (Holt and Laury, 2002), but we conjecture that risk aversion would only increase the performance of our proposed mechanism relative to the Cost Cap system because it provides insurance to the agent.
The ESMA Double Volume Cap system supports Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFIR).The purpose of this document is to provide instructions for the reporting entities to submit the Double Volume Cap data to the ESMA system for processing.The intended audience of this document is the National Competent Authorities, Trading Venues and Consolidated Tape Providers (CTPs).
Trading Venues and CTPs shall only submit files after having performed successful XML- validation against the commonly agreed XML-Schema (see Annex 1: XML schemas for the Double Volume Cap system and Annex 4: XML Messages Description).