Capitol buildings and grounds definition
Examples of Capitol buildings and grounds in a sentence
The Mayor’s planning responsibility shall not extend to Federal or international projects and develop- ments in the District, as determined by the Commission, or to the United States Capitol buildings and grounds as defined in sections 193a and 193m of this title, or to any extension there- of or additions thereto, or to buildings and grounds under the care of the Architect of the Capitol.
Let me begin by expressing gratitude to the employees of the Architect of the Capitol, who maintain the Capitol buildings and grounds.
The Mayor's planning responsibility shall not extend to federal and international projects and developments in the District, as determined by the National Capital Planning Commission, or to the United States Capitol buildings and grounds as defined in sections 1 and 16 of the Act of July 31, 1946 [D.C. Official Code '' 10-503.11 and 10-503.26], or to any extension thereof or addition thereto, or to buildings and grounds under the care of the Architect of the Capitol.
Prose descriptions about the Capitol buildings and grounds conclude the legislative portion of the Congressional Directory.
Maintenance of security systems for Capitol buildings and grounds.
RECOMMENDED:- To agree to decline the requests to purchase ad-hoc land at both sites (43 Westminster Avenue and 65 Pennine Gardens) as both areas of land in question formed part of the larger green area provided for the benefit of the community on both estates.
Appropriates $51,371,000 for salaries and ex- penses, Capitol buildings and grounds, gen- eral administration, Architect of the Cap- itol, instead of $46,705,000 as proposed by the House and $54,000,000 for the Architect of the Capitol, Capitol Buildings and Grounds, Cap- itol buildings, salaries and expenses as pro- posed by the Senate.
You must leave the Capitol buildings and grounds in its original condition and appearance.
You must arrange with DES to set up and remove all items in a timely fashion, and without unreasonably disrupting business or hindering public access to the Capitol buildings and grounds.
On and after Oc- tober 1, 1995, any alteration to a structural, me- chanical, or architectural feature of the Capitol buildings and grounds that is required for a se- curity system under the preceding sentence may be carried out only with the approval of the Ar- chitect of the Capitol.