Project Costs Sample Clauses

Project Costs. Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the Company shall disclose to the Department all of the Project Costs which the Company seeks to include for purposes of determining the limitation of the amount of the Credit pursuant to Section 5-30 of the Act and provide to the Department a Schedule of Project Costs in the form as attached hereto as Exhibit C.
Project Costs. The Recipient agrees to pay any and all costs connected with the Project including, without limitation, any and all Project Costs. If the Project Funds are not sufficient to pay the Project Costs in full, the Recipient shall nonetheless complete the Project and pay that portion of the Project Costs in excess of available Project Funds, and shall not be entitled to any reimbursement therefor from the State Water Board.
Project Costs. A. If the Program shown on Attachment A is receiving federal-aid funds for the project, the LPA is allocated the funds through the MPO as written in their fiscally constrained TIP. Any adjustments (positive or negative) to the dollar amount listed in the TIP are hereby considered adjustments to the contract between the LPA and INDOT, as the MPO must maintain fiscal constraint for all projects listed. Federal funds made available to the LPA by INDOT will be used to pay % of the eligible Project costs. The maximum amount of federal-aid funds allocated to the Project is $ . B. Federal-aid Funds made available to the LPA by INDOT will be used to pay funds allocated to the project is $ . C. The LPA understands and agrees that in accordance with I.C. 8-23-2-14, federal reimbursement for construction inspection and testing construction materials, after INDOT retains 2.5% of the final construction costs for oversight, is limited to: (1) 14.5% of the final construction cost if the final construction cost is less than or equal to $500,000; or (2) 12.5% of the final construction cost if the final construction cost is greater than $500,000. D. The remainder of the Project cost shall be borne by the LPA. For the avoidance of doubt, INDOT shall not pay for any costs relating to the Project unless the PARTIES have agreed in a document (which specifically references section I.D. of Attachment D of this contract) signed by an authorized representative of INDOT, the Indiana Department of Administration, State Budget Agency, and the Attorney General of Indiana. E. Costs will be eligible for FHWA participation provided that the costs: (1) Are for work performed for activities eligible under the section of title 23, U.S.C., applicable to the class of funds used for the activities; (2) Are verifiable from INDOT’s or the LPA’s records; (3) Are necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient accomplishment of project objectives and meet the other criteria for allowable costs in the applicable cost principles cited in 49 CFR section 18.22; (4) Are included in the approved budget, or amendment thereto; and (5) Were not incurred prior to FHWA authorization.
Project Costs. A. This contract is just for the one (1) phase checked below: Preliminary Engineering or X Right-of-Way or Construction; Otherwise, this contract covers all phases. B. If the Program shown on Attachment A is receiving federal-aid funds for the project, the LPA is allocated the funds through the MPO as written in their fiscally constrained TIP. Any adjustments (positive or negative) to the dollar amount listed in the TIP, or any increase or decrease in the funding from a prior year, authorized by the MPO that may not be reflected in the current TIP, are hereby considered adjustments to the contract between the LPA and INDOT, as the MPO must maintain fiscal constraint for all projects listed. Federal funds made available to the LPA by INDOT will be used to pay % of the eligible Project costs. The maximum amount of federal-aid funds allocated to the Project is dependent upon the current TIP allocation. As of this date, , the maximum amount according to the TIP dated is $ . The most current MPO TIP page, or MPO authorization, is uploaded into INDOT’s Scheduling Project Management System (SPMS). C. Federal-aid Funds made available to the LPA by INDOT will be used to pay 80% of the eligible Project costs. The maximum amount of federal funds allocated to the project is $ 80,000.00. D. The LPA understands and agrees that in accordance with I.C. 8-23-2-14, INDOT retains 2.5% of the final construction costs for oversight of construction inspection and the testing of construction materials. E. The LPA understands and agrees that it is INDOT’s policy to only allow non-discretionary changes to a Project scope after bidding. Changes to the Project scope after bidding that are by the choice of the LPA and are not required to complete the Project will not be eligible for federal-aid funds and must be funded 100% locally. F. The LPA understands and agrees that the federal-aid funds allocated to the Project are intended to accomplish the original scope of the Project as designed. If the Project bid prices are lower than estimated, the LPA may not utilize those federal-aid funds and the remaining balance of federal-aid funds will revert back to the Local Program. G. If the Program shown on Attachment A is Group I or Group II, Section E. does not apply. If the Project bid prices are lower than estimated, the LPA may not utilize those federal-aid funds and the remaining balance of federal-aid funds will revert back to the MPO. H. The remainder of the Project cost shall be born...
Project Costs. Lessee shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with any development and/or construction completed by Lessee on the Premises.
Project Costs. A. Grantee is responsible for ensuring that actual expenditures are for eligible project costs. “Eligible” and “ineligible” project costs are set forth in the July 2020 BSCC Grant Administration Guide, which can be found under Quick Links here: The provisions of the BSCC Grant Administration Guide are incorporated by reference into this agreement and Grantee shall be responsible for adhering to the requirements set forth therein. To the extent any of the provisions of the BSCC Grant Administration Guide and this agreement conflict, the language in this agreement shall prevail. B. Grantee is responsible for ensuring that invoices submitted to the BSCC claim actual expenditures for eligible project costs. C. Grantee shall, upon demand, remit to the BSCC any grant funds not expended for eligible project costs or an amount equal to any grant funds expended by the Grantee in violation of the terms, provisions, conditions or commitments of this Grant Agreement. X. Xxxxx funds must be used to support new program activities or to augment existing funds that expand current program activities. Grant funds shall not replace (supplant) any federal, state and/or local funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Violations can result in recoupment of monies provided under this grantor suspension of future program funding through BSCC grants.
Project Costs. Project Costs shall mean all costs incurred by the Owner and CM in planning, constructing and equipping the PROJECT, in accordance with the Project Plans and Specifications all of which Project Costs shall be paid by the Owner, all of which Project Costs shall be included within the GMP established by CM and are more specifically described in Exhibit B. (a) The Owner reserves the right to execute Direct Material Purchase(s) for any and all materials provided to the PROJECT.
Project Costs. 7.16.1 The A/E shall monitor Project cost accounting records on Work performed by the Contractor under unit costs, actual costs for labor and materials, or other appropriate basis. The A/E shall afford the Contracting Authority and Owner access to these records at all times.
Project Costs. The Project costs are true and accurate estimates of the costs necessary to complete the Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner according to the Plans and Specifications presented by Borrower to Lender, and Borrower shall take all steps necessary to prevent the actual cost of the Improvements from exceeding the Project costs.
Project Costs. The Borrower will pay when due all Project Costs in excess of the Loan Amount, regardless of the amount.