Examples of Carbon Dioxide Pipeline in a sentence
A computer model report showing the Blast Zone for the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline.
A map and legal description of the proposed route for a Carbon Dioxide Pipeline showing all human occupied structures and animal husbandry facilities, by type, within two miles of the centerline of the proposed route including addresses.
A rupture dispersion modeling report containing the results of computational fluid dynamic computer model estimates of the maximum geographic ranges of the Fatality Zone and Hazard Zone for the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline in the event of its rupture in a range of weather conditions and representative topography in the County, as well as in low elevation areas of the County where released carbon dioxide may settle.
A Carbon Dioxide Pipeline rupture emergency response training program to ensure safe and effective response by County and municipal law enforcement, emergency medical services, and other responders during the operational life of the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline.
A description of the potential adverse impacts of a rupture of a Carbon Dioxide Pipeline on the humans, livestock, and other real and personal property within the Hazard Zone, the Fatality Zone, and the Blast Zone for the route of the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline.
A list of structures and facilities within the Hazard Zone, Fatality Zone, and Blast Zone for the proposed route of a Carbon Dioxide Pipeline that in the preceding year have contained humans or livestock, and an estimate of the number of persons and livestock in each structure and facility.
Identification of alternative routes through the County designed to minimize risks to humans and animals from a rupture of the Carbon Dioxide Pipeline within the County, and an analysis of the risks of these alternative routes relative to the proposed route.
A list of structures and facilities within the Hazard Zone, Fatality Zone, and Blast Zone for the proposed route of a Carbon Dioxide Pipeline that in the preceding year have contained humans or livestock, and an estimate of the numbers of persons and livestock in each structure and facility.
To ensure the 300 ppmv standard is not exceeded, a limit of 1500 ppmv of sulfide in the digester gas will be established in a permit condition to ensure ongoing compliance with the 300 ppmv SO2 exhaust concentration standard of Reg 9-1.
Statement: DOE Welcomes New Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Safety Measures Announced by the U.S. Deparment of Transportation's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.