CAT fund definition

CAT fund means the community attraction and tourism fund established pursuant to Iowa Code section 15F.204.
CAT fund means the Cultural Activities Trust Fund.

Examples of CAT fund in a sentence

  • The Council will adopt a flexible approach to community asset transfer (CAT), utilising the new streamlined CAT process, and ensuring that appropriate advice and both capital investment (from the CAT fund in the capital programme) and revenue support (from the new sports club support fund) are made available.

  • The Council has adopted a flexible approach to community asset transfer (CAT), utilising a streamlined CAT process, and ensuring that appropriate advice and both capital investment (from the CAT fund in the capital programme) and revenue support (from the sports club support fund) are made available.

  • The cost of CAT fund coverage is significantly less than the cost of private reinsurance due to its tax-exempt status, low administrative costs, and lack of a profit or risk-load.

  • The CAT fund was created to provide a stable and ongoing source of reimbursement to insurers for a portion of their catastrophic hurricane losses in order to provide additional insurance capacity.

  • Core Functions/Idaho CodeThe purpose of the CAT fund is to assist in covering Idaho residents’ medical expenses when they are eligible for the programs by meeting the criteria for the medically indigent definition in statute.

  • The counties then submit the cases to the CAT fund for consideration of payment by the state of the remainder of the claims.

  • Past practice has been to offer first right of refusal to events that have been in certain time slots.

  • The CAT fund is governed by an administrative board, which is made up of a county commissioner representative from each of the six districts in Idaho, one Governor's appointee, four legislators—two from the Senate and two from the House, as appointed by the legislative leadership —and a representative chosen by the Director of the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare.

  • After a review by the Board of Directors, the CAT fund pays approved claims that exceed $11,000.00 per applicant during a 12-month period.

  • The rules in this division are in addition to the general provisions of division I and only apply to the CAT fund.

Related to CAT fund

  • Endowment fund means an institutional fund or part thereof that, under the terms of a gift instrument, is not wholly expendable by the institution on a current basis. The term does not include assets that an institution designates as an endowment fund for its own use.

  • Sub-Fund means a segregated pool of assets and liabilities into which the Trust Fund is divided, established under the Trust Deed and the relevant supplemental deed as a separate trust as described in the relevant Appendix.

  • Investment Fund has the same meaning as in National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure;

  • Settlement Fund means the Settlement Amount plus any and all interest earned thereon.

  • Mutual Funds means (i) all open-end mutual funds; and (ii) similar pooled investment vehicles established in non-U.S. jurisdictions, such as registered investment trusts in Japan. For purposes of the Code, Mutual Fund does not include shares of open-end money market mutual funds (unless otherwise advised by Compliance).