Examples of CBS Business in a sentence
In addition, you agree that you will comply with the CBS Business Conduct Statement.
All of the CBS Services shall be for the sole use and benefit of the Radio Business and all of the Radio Services shall be for the sole use and benefit of the CBS Business.
Added CBS business continuity policy in 3.2.1.r. Noted a large recall situation could potentially lead to a shortage situation Appendices New Appendices APPENDIX C: Blood Contingency Plan Activation PathwaysAPPENDIX F: The National Emergency Blood Management Committee Job Aide APPENDIX G: Triage ToolsAPPENDIX H: POL006 CBS Business Continuity Policy Archived Appendices APPENDIX C: CBS Business Continuity Plans replaced with Blood Contingency Plan Activation Pathway.
The CBS Business Conduct Statement asserted that the broadcasting company “has a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for sexual harassment”; that CBS “will” take “all steps” and “remedial action” to stop “sexual harassment” and “protect the workplace environment”; and that CBS “will promptly and thoroughly investigate” sexual harassment allegations.
The Netherlands According to the CBS Business Cycle Tracer, the economic situation in the Netherlands is improving further as economic indicators such as investments, exports and household consumption published in March 2017 performed above the long term average.Driven by the growing economy, low mortgage rates and high levels of consumer confidence, a record 214,793 homes were sold in 2016, over 20% more than in 2015.
You should be sure that your Company notifies the Executive Vice President, Government Affairs, if an issue arises that is likely to generate political concerns at the national, state or local level.CBS Corporation Business Conduct Statement 21Implementation of the CBS Business Conduct Statement Compliance OfficersMark Engstrom serves as CBS Corporation’s Chief Compliance Officer and Sonya Mirbagheri Cheney serves as CBS Corporation’s Deputy Compliance Officer.
USA.Duruigbo, Emeka, (2006), “Permanent Sovereignty and peoples’ ownership of natural resources in international law, BNET, CBS Business Network News.Haysom.
Prior to the Distribution Date, CBS and Radio will use their commercially reasonable efforts to identify any assets, rights, Liabilities and other items primarily relating to the CBS Business held by the Radio Group (other than any Assumed Liabilities) and any assets, rights, Liabilities and other items primarily relating to the Radio Business held by the CBS Group (other than any Excluded Liabilities) (collectively, the “Misplaced Assets and Liabilities”).
The storage of material and merchandise is subject to written agreement with CBS Business and will be performed at the Partner Company's own risk.
Material and merchandise unrelated to the cooperation with CBS Business cannot be delivered to CBS Business.