Section 7.9 Sample Clauses

Section 7.9. 44 The District shall identify the number of workdays for 260 day employees by August 1st of each 45 calendar year. Any day(s) in excess of 260 contract days shall result in a non-paid floating holiday.
Section 7.9. 7 Employees called back on a regular workday or called on the sixth (6th) or seventh (7th) consecutive 8 workday, shall receive no less than one (1) hour's pay at the appropriate rate.
Section 7.9. 32 In those years which contain more than two hundred- sixty (260) workdays, these “extra” days will not 33 result in an additional workday(s) for full-time employees. These “extra” days will result in a day(s) off 34 as jointly determined by the employee and his/her supervisor. The employee will schedule the “extra” 35 day(s) off with their supervisor at least one (1) week in advance. The “extra” day(s) will be scheduled 36 during non-student days. 00 0000-0000 – 261 workdays 00 0000-0000 – 261 workdays 00 0000-0000 – 261 workdays 40
Section 7.9. 26 The four (4) Lead positions (Grounds, Warehouse, Structural and Mechanical) require a CDL and will 27 be paid fifty cents ($0.50) an hour above the base rate after obtaining their CDL. These four (4) 28 employees shall be allowed time during the workday to obtain the CDL. In the event this time is 29 outside the workday, the District shall pay for time spent for all CDL training. 31 Current Grandfathered employees receiving the CDL stipend shall be entitled to the stipend until a 32 Lead obtains their CDL. Once a Lead receives his CDL, the least senior Grandfathered employee shall 33 be removed from obtaining the fifty cents ($0.50) per hour. 35 The most senior Grandfathered employee will continue to receive the fifty cents ($0.50) per hour 36 stipend until he vacates the District. (See attached Letter of Agreement). The District and Association 37 shall discuss the need for utilizing non-lead employees above the leads for CDL related duties through 38 Labor Management. 42 A R T I C L E V I I I 44 HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS 47 Section 8.1. Holidays. 48 All employees shall receive the following paid holidays that fall within their work year:
Section 7.9. 20 Employees may also be eligible for Family and Medical Leave consistent with the requirements of 21 District Policy (available online at District’s website).
Section 7.9 employees called for special service shall receive no less than one (1) hour per call out at the rate 44 of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's base hourly rate. Special service shall be defined as any 45 work other than the normal work shift or workday, noncontiguous with the normal work shift or 46 workday. 47 48 49 1 3 5 Section 8.1.‌‌
Section 7.9 this bargaining unit will not be assigned to cover the duties of certificated staff during 30 their planning periods more than three (3) times per day and no more than ten (10) times per week. 34 A R T I C L E V I I I 36 HOLIDAYS AND VACATIONS 37
Section 7.9. 25 In the event of an unusual school closure due to inclement weather, plant inoperation, or the like, the 26 District will provide a variety of sources of notification, which may include radio, television and the 27 district school closure line. It is the responsibility of the employee to call the school delay and closure 28 line before leaving their home to travel to work. Employees reporting to work shall receive a 29 minimum of two (2) hours pay at base rate in the event of such a closure; provided, however, no 30 employee shall be entitled to any such compensation in the event the employee failed to make every 31 effort to determine the status of closure. In the event of school delay, classified employees are 32 required to arrive at their work site at their regular assigned time or as close as possible to their 33 regularly assigned time due to safety limitations. Employees who cannot safely arrive at work by their 34 regular time may agree with their supervisor to flex and make-up the employee’s time, or take 35 appropriate leave.
Section 7.9. 39 Secretaries will be assigned a regular work day and work week with assigned breaks and lunch 40 periods. Any assigned work outside of this school day must be approved by the employee's supervisor. 42 Paraeducators will be assigned a regular work days and work week with assigned breaks and lunch 43 period, based on the employee's assigned work day. Any work outside of this schedule will be at the 44 discretion of the employee's supervisor.
Section 7.9. 10 The parties agree to abide by all laws relating to drug and alcohol testing in connection with CDL 11 license regulations. Testing will be conducted by the ESD 105 consortium or another outside 12 contractor.