Certified survey map definition
Examples of Certified survey map in a sentence
See Attachment 1.1 for an example location description.- Previous TPP- Subdivision plat including lots and blocks- Assessors plat including lots and blocks- Certified survey map including lots- Government lot- Recorded private claim- Vacated Roads- Quarter-quarter section- Section, township, range, and countySince many projects will have multiple plats, the department will include, as part of the project number, the page number to make each plat unique within the project.
Tom Grade to approve Consent Agenda item 6, Certified survey map as presented consolidating 305 Third Street (1-00162- 00) and Parcel 1-00163-00 and officially dedicating the road right-of-way.
Certified survey map application submitted by James and Cheryl Baumgart for four vacant parcels on Acorn Trail (Parcel ID #’s 018-03-21-27-023-000, 018-03-21-27-024-000, 018-03-21-27-025-000 and 018-03-21-27-026-001) in the R-2 (Suburban Residential - Unsewered) Zoning District to allow for the reconfiguration of these four parcels into two parcels James Baumgart stated that soil borings have been completed on each proposed lot.
Motion Supervisor Bembenek, second Supervisor Wilz, approve the Certified survey map for Kurt Groholski, land in Section 25, T24N, R8E, abutting Rainbow Drive.
See Attachment 1.1 for an example location description.- Previous TPP- Subdivision plat including lots and blocks- Assessors plat including lots and blocks- Certified survey map including lots- Government lot- Recorded private claim- Quarter-quarter section- Section, township, range, and countySince many projects will have multiple plats, the department will include, as part of the plat number, the sheet number to make each plat unique within the project.