Examples of Chair of the Council in a sentence
The current Chair of the Council shall not have an original vote in respect of the election of the new Chair of the Council but shall give a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
The real salaries of urban and suburban teachers in all four regions declined substantially between 1970 and the early 1980s and then increased subsequently.
Note: The Chair of the Council, at the beginning of their term of office, may choose to indicate how they wish to be addressed, according to personal preference.
Additional Duties of the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality.
The Presidency shall nominate the Chair of the Council of Ministers, who shall take office upon the approval of the House of Representatives.
Disputes may be referred only by a member of the Presidency, by the Chair of the Council of Ministers, by the Chair or a Deputy Chair of either chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly, by one-fourth of the members of either chamber of the Parliamentary Assembly, or by one-fourth of either chamber of a legislature of an Entity.
The ruling of the Chair of the Council as to the construction or application of this Constitution or as to any proceedings of the Council shall not be challenged at any meeting of the Council.
The Council shall be led by a Chair who shall be an Assistant to the President, and it shall be composed of one representative from each of the executive de- partments and from such other Federal agencies as may be determined by the Chair of the Council (the ‘‘Chair’’).
The Chair of the Council shall be a full voting member of the Board of Directors.
If a member is unable to attend a meeting, he or she will notify the Chair of the Council.