Examples of Chargeable Area in a sentence
ALL THAT the flat being Unit No. containing a carpet area of Square feet more or less alongwith balcony with a carpet area of Square feet more or less and a total built-up area of Unit (including Balcony) of Square feet more or less and Chargeable Area for CAM being Square Feet on the floor of the Tower of the Project at the Project Land.
The voting rights of the Purchaser in the Maintenance Company and also in all matters related to the common purposes shall be in the proportion in which the Chargeable Area of the said Unit may bear to the Chargeable Area of all the units in the building.
The Chargeable Area for such Premises shall be calculated to include a proportionate part of any such common area by dividing any such area pro rata to the individual site area or charging value of each such separate premises.3.6 Shared car parks will normally be apportioned to separately occupied Premises on the above principles.
In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Purchaser shall pay to the Maintenance In-charge, maintenance charges calculated @ Rs. _ (Rupees ) only per Square foot per month of the Chargeable Area of the Allotted Apartment (hereinafter referred to as “the Common Area Maintenance Charges” or ”CAM Charges”).
All measured Non-Household Customers’ bills for surface water and highway drainage will be based upon their Chargeable Area.