Chartered Engineer definition

Chartered Engineer means a person having an engineering degree and the corporate membership of Institute of Engineers India;
Chartered Engineer means a professional engineer with a registered professional title of Chartered Engineer who is a members of Engineers Ireland or a professional engineer with the same status as the professional engineering titles used in other countries and who has experience in the provision of water services infrastructure;
Chartered Engineer means a person practicing in India or a firm whereof all the partners practicing in India is/are registered as “Professional Engineer(s)/ Chartered Engineer(s)” under the Indian Institute of Engineers or other recognized institution in India.

Examples of Chartered Engineer in a sentence

  • All documents in support of Technical Criteria of BEC to be furnished by the Bidder shall necessarily be duly certified/ attested by Chartered Engineer and Notary Public with legible stamp.

  • The successful bidder will be required to furnish the certificate from the Registered Chartered Engineer certifying that the items supplied and their specifications are in compliance with the requirements of the supply order issued by IIIT Bangalore.

  • As per the Declaration No.16 of the Royal Charter, 1935 and Clause 69(i) of the Bye Laws & Regulations of the Institution, every life Corporate Member (FIE/MIE/AMIE) is entitled to use the style and title of Chartered Engineer (India) and can use the description as C.Eng(I) after his/her name.

  • Any Life Corporate Member may apply for Chartered Engineer Certificate with necessary fee as per the Table below.

  • Khimani and Company, Chartered Accountants (dated February 21, 2022) and the same has been certified by Chartered Engineer Mr. Mukesh M.

  • Competency certificate issued by Chartered Accountant/ Chartered Engineer of Manufacturing Capacity to supply all required items as per specifications, arrangement of automation with a competitive and experienced firm and electrification with required class of contractor for 3/2/1 (as the case may be) plant as per specification of 2500 M.T (SNF).

  • All documents in support of Technical Criteria of Bid Evaluation Criteria (BEC) to be furnished by the bidders shall necessarily be duly certified/ attested by Chartered Engineer and notary public with legible stamp.

  • To be considered a Suitably Qualified and Experienced Person (SQEP), they will be a Chartered Engineer, have a first degree in an engineering discipline and a minimum of 5 years’ experience in Air System design, Safety assessment, IM or Maintenance; relevant to both the Air System type and the specialization for which advice will be given.

  • MSc in Production Engineering & Management MSc in Production Management‌‌‌MSc in Engineering Management‌All taught MSc programmes in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering are accredited to CEng (Chartered Engineer) level by the Institution of the Mechanical Engineers (UK).

  • Educational institutions should ensure that their own publicity materials accurately reflect the accreditation status of their programmes and the relationship to registration as Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng).

More Definitions of Chartered Engineer

Chartered Engineer means a person having an engineering degree and the corporate membership of Institute of Enqineers (lndia) ;
Chartered Engineer means a chartered engineer included on the register referred to in section 7 of The Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland (Charter Amendment) Act 1969;”.
Chartered Engineer means a person having an engineering degree and the
Chartered Engineer means a person having an engineering degree and the corporate member- ship of Institute of Engineers India;
Chartered Engineer means the Person appointed by the Authority to act as the Independent Chartered Engineer for the Project in accordance with Clause 6.

Related to Chartered Engineer

  • Site Engineer means an Engineer appointed by the SBIIMS at site as their representative for day-to-day supervision of work and to give instructions to the contractors.

  • Professional Engineer means a person entitled to practise as a Professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario under a licence issued under the Professional Engineers Act;

  • Engineer means the representative of the Architect/consultant.

  • Professional geologist means a person who is a graduate of an institution of higher education which is accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency, with a minimum of thirty semester (forty-five quarter) hours of undergraduate or graduate work in a field of geology and whose post-baccalaureate training has been in the field of geology with a specific record of an additional five years of geological experience to include no more than two years of graduate work. 23-41-208, C.R.S. and 34-1-201, C.R.S.

  • Structural Engineer means the Engineer appointed or to be appointed from time to time by Promoter for the preparation of the structural design and drawings of the buildings .