Children with special needs definition

Children with special needs means children who exhibit one or more of the following characteristics, confirmed by clinical evaluation:
Children with special needs means children with developmental disabilities, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, sensory or motor impairment, or significant chronic illness who require special health surveillance or specialized programs, interventions, technologies, or facilities.
Children with special needs means children with special needs which requires* modification of care or services not regularly available.

Examples of Children with special needs in a sentence

  • Children with special needs are defined as those who meet eligibility criteria to receive Early Intervention or Early Childhood Special Education services according to Oregon Department of Education rules.

  • Children with special needs may require more physical contact to assist their everyday learning.

  • Children with special needs have the same rights to safety and privacy when receiving intimate care.

  • Children with special needs are supported through Children’s Inclusion Support Services (CISS).

  • Children with special needs, those from marginalized communities as well as girls have been traditionally excluded from education.

More Definitions of Children with special needs

Children with special needs means persons age birth to less than nineteen years, or thirteen to nineteen years and under court supervision; and (a) having a verified physical, mental, emotional, or behavioral condition that requires a higher level of care while in the care of a licensed or certified facility, a DCYF contracted seasonal day camp or an in- home/relative provider; and (b) having a condition and need for higher level of care verified by an individual who is not employed by the child care facility and is either a health, mental health, education or social service professional. WAC 110-15- 0220.
Children with special needs means children in need of special needs education;
Children with special needs for purposes of this contract means, children age 0-18 (up through age 21 if enrolled in Special Education or the Division of Developmental Disabilities) having a medical, developmental, mental health, or behavioral issue that requires specialized care.
Children with special needs means children with developmental disabilities or delays, including children who require special health surveillance or specialized programs, interventions, technologies, or facilities.
Children with special needs means those children, ages 0-5, whom the County has determined are eligible for transportation at public expense.
Children with special needs means children who have long- term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others;
Children with special needs means students with disabilities for the purpose of this scheme.