Examples of C&I Customer in a sentence
EM&V studies included in the Annual Report that apply to this program: • C&I Customer Profile ProjectThis study characterizes the Massachusetts energy efficiency market by analyzing recent customer usage and program participation data.
Line Extension Policy 3 – Individual C&I Customer provides direction for the calculation of the Customer’s expense associated with relocation of Company-owned equipment.
C&I Customer Profile Project Type of Study: Market CharacterizationEvaluation Conducted by: DNV KEMADate Evaluation Completed: 6/20/2013 Evaluation Objective and High Level Findings: The primary goals of the C&I Customer Profile project were to: • Characterize the Massachusetts energy efficiency market by analyzing recent customer usage and program participation data.
Line Extension Policy 3 – Individual C&I Customer provides direction for the calculation of the Customer’s expense associated with relocation of Company-owned equipment.The Company, however, will assume the expense of the relocation if the following conditions exist: 1.
In addition to the requirements in Section 24.2(a) (Metering and Communications Equipment), each C&I Customer shall be required to have a Company-approved meter that is capable of recording usage in 5-minute intervals and being read remotely by a remote meter reading system approved by Company.
Mobile View provides access to BASS from a smartphone (iPhone or Android), iPad or tablet with the look and feel of an app.
They can also serve as the interface to customer technical personnel in this role, striving to ensure the “right” system is built, and that the details are as customer-friendly as possible.The CI (Customer Interface) role includes only the role of the engineers building a customer-deliverable product, not the full marketing process of a business or organization.The CI role is handled quite differently by different organizations and businesses.
O&M Cost NEIs. Leverage existing LCC estimates with updates from newly available secondary data and/or in-depth interviews with engineering firms.2. Large C&I Customer NEIs (Except O&M Cost NEIs).
In January 2020, the PAs presented their new C&I Customer Profile Dashboard to the EEAC.
PSNH asked for authority to provide services under the EnergyStar® Homes Program Enhancement (Geothermal and Air Source Heat Pump) Option (a program that has anumber of goals related to heat pump technologies, including the determination of the cost effectiveness of various technologies including air source and geothermal heat pumps), an Education Enhancement for C&I Customer Partnership program, and a C&I Request for Proposals (RFP) Program for Competitive and Economic Development.