Episode of Care means a period of continuous hospital treatment, including readmission within a seven
Continuum of care means a full range of economic, physical, psychological, social and support programs and services necessary to maintain or restore older individuals to their optimal environment.
Level of care means the range of available services provided from the most integrated setting to the most restrictive and most intensive in an inpatient setting.
Plan of care means a written document developed for each individual by the support team using a person-centered approach that describes the supports, services, and resources provided or accessed to address the needs of the individual.
Standard of Care has the meaning set forth in Section 14.1.
System of care means the coordination of a system of services and supports to individuals and their families that ensures they optimally live, work, and recreate in integrated communities of their choice.
Continuity of Care means care provided to a Member by the same PCP or specialty provider to ensure that the delivery of care to the Member remains stable, and services are consistent and unduplicated. Contract or Agreement means this formal, written, and legally enforceable contract and amendments thereto between the Parties. Contract Period or Contract Term means the Initial Contract Period plus any and all Contract extensions.
Adult foster care means room and board, supervision, and special services to an adult who has a
Routine care means medical care which is not urgent or emergent in nature and can wait for a regularly scheduled physician appointment without risk of permanent damage to the patient’s life or health status. The condition requiring routine care is not likely to substantially worsen without immediate clinical intervention.
Pharmacy care means medications prescribed by a licensed physician and any health-related services considered medically necessary to determine the need or effectiveness of the medications.
Container station and depot services means activities consisting in storing containers, whether in port areas or inland, with a view to their stuffing/stripping, repairing and making them available for shipments.
Charity care means care provided by a health care facility for which the provider does not expect to receive payment from the patient or a third-party payer.
Emergency Care means management for an illness or injury which results in symptoms which occur suddenly and unexpectedly, and requires immediate care by a medical practitioner to prevent death or serious long term impairment of the insured person’s health.
Child care means continuous care and supervision of five or more qualifying children that is:
Direct care means direct, hands-on personal care and supervi- sion to group care children and youth.
Urgent Care means treatment for a condition that is not a threat to life or limb but does require prompt medical attention. Also, the severity of an urgent condition does not necessitate a trip to the hospital emergency room. An Urgent Care facility is a freestanding facility that is not a physician’s office and which provides Urgent Care.
Primary care giver" means a person who assumes the principal role of providing care and attention to a child.
Center means the center for educational performance and information created in section 94a.
Day Care means the care, assistance, and supervision of an individual who does not stay overnight. Individuals receiving day care services are included in the licensed capacity of a home as described in OAR 411-360-0060.
Foster care means substitute care furnished on a 24-hour-a-day basis to an eligible child in a licensed or approved facility by a person or agency other than the child’s parent or guardian but does not include care provided in a family home through an informal arrangement for a period of 20 days or less. Child foster care shall include but is not limited to the provision of food, lodging, training, education, supervision, and health care.
Standard Services means the standard Services referred to in Schedule 1 (Services) of this Framework Agreement;
Personal care means the provision of hands-on services to assist an individual with activities of daily living.
After-care means care, treatment and services provided a patient, as defined herein, on convalescent status or conditional release.
Respite care means care anticipated to be provided for a period of 28 days or less for the purpose of temporarily relieving a family member or other caregiver from his or her daily caregiv- ing duties.
Specialty fertilizer means a fertilizer distributed primarily for nonfarm use.
Residential care means the provision of care on a 24-hour day basis.