Class Fund definition

Class Fund means the aggregate, gross amount the Parties propose be paid to the Settlement Class as Settlement Awards pursuant to this Settlement. The Class Fund shall be calculated by subtracting the Court-approved Attorneys’ Fees and Costs Award, Service Award, and Settlement Administration Expenses Award from the Maximum Settlement Amount.
Class Fund or “Class Funds” means one or more Funds that is a class of NCM Opportunities or of NCM Core Portfolios.
Class Fund means the aggregate, gross amount the Parties propose be paid to the Settlement Class as Settlement Awards pursuant to this Settlement. The Class Fund shall be calculated by subtracting the Court-approved Service Award, Settlement Administration Expenses Award, and Attorney’s Fees and Costs Award from the Maximum Settlement Amount. Subject to approval by the Superior Court, the Parties anticipate the aggregate, gross amount paid to the Settlement Class as part of the Settlement of this Case is estimated to be no less than Four Hundred Twenty-seven Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($427,250.00).

Examples of Class Fund in a sentence

  • On August 9, 2019, the Corporate Class Funds were reorganized into separate Mutual Fund Trusts through a tax deferred conversion whereby each Corporate Class Fund sold their portfolio of securities to the equivalent Trust Fund in exchange for units of each Trust.

  • Shareholders of each Corporate Class Fund then exchanged their shares for units of the applicable Trust Fund.

  • Borrowing is allowed up to 10% of the Net Asset Value of the Class Fund on a temporary basis to cover insufficient liquidity as a result of the redemption of Participation Shares.

  • The Manager may obtain a rebate on any fees or charges levied by any scheme in which the Fund invests, which shall be paid into the relevant Class Fund.

  • Past performance of similar investments, any Class Fund, the Manager, the Investment Manager (or their respective agents and delegates) or any entity affiliated with the Fund or its service providers should not be construed as an indication of or guide to the future performance of any Class Fund.

More Definitions of Class Fund

Class Fund means the amount available to pay claims submitted by Valid Claimants after deduction from the Settlement Fund of the Subclass Fund.
Class Fund means the amount of seventeen million, five hundred thousand dollars ($17,500,000) to be paid by the City for all Class Member claims, the service award to the Class Representative, Administrative Costs, and Class Counsel’s own past, present, and future fees and costs. The Class Fund is subject to increase in the event the return rate is higher than 40% as set forth below in paragraph 48 and is subject to reversion to the City of New York in the event the return rate is lower than 20% as set forth below in paragraph 48.
Class Fund means the $3,200,000.00 (Three Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars) that the City shall pay on the Effective Date to the Claims Administrator, less any money advance to the Claims Administrator. This amount shall be used to pay all claims by the Class Members, all attorney’s fees and costs, and all Administrative Costs, in satisfaction of all claims of Class Members. Any money not so claimed shall be handled in accordance with Paragraph 47.
Class Fund means a fund maintained in accordance with clause 9 of the Trust Instrument, each such fund being attributable to a separate class or classes of units regulated by class rules pertaining to that class fund.
Class Fund means the aggregate, gross amount the Parties propose be paid to the Settlement Class as Settlement Awards pursuant to this Settlement. Subject to approval by the Superior Court, the aggregate, gross amount paid to the Settlement Class as part of the Settlement of this Case shall be Thirty-Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars ($32,500.00).
Class Fund means the Net Settlement Fund less the amounts paid for the Attorneys’ Fee Award and the Incentive Awards.
Class Fund means the maximum amount to be paid by the City for all Class Member claims, the service award to the Class Representative, Administrative Costs, and Class Counsel’s own past, present, and future fees and costs. That maximum amount shall not exceed $92.5 million.