Examples of Class Q Shares in a sentence
Class Q Shares are denominated in EUR and are subject to an initial Minimum Subscription Amount and a Minimum Holding Amount requirement of one Share and a minimum subsequent investment of one Share.
The Fund issues its shares of common stock in four classes: "Class A Shares," "Class B Shares," "Class C Shares," and "Class Q Shares".
Class Q Shares shall not be subject to an early withdrawal charge.
Class Q Shares of the Fund shall be offered at the then-current net asset value without the imposition of a front-end sales charge.
Class Q Shares Class Q Shares are available at the discretion of the Management Company as Non-Distributing and Distributing Shares and are a grandfathered Share Class available to investors previously holding shares in other funds sponsored by entities within either the ML Group or the BlackRock Group.
The Directors intend that after 31 March 2014 any Class Q Shares in issue will be transferred to the equivalent type of Class A Shares.
Distributor, on behalf of Class Q Shares, may pay Authorized Dealers quarterly a fee at the annual rate of 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund's Class Q Shares for service activities (as defined in paragraph (e), below) rendered to Class Q shareholders.
In addition, Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class Q Shares shall have the features described in Sections 2, 5 and 6 below.
Class Q Shares of the Fund may pay Distributor monthly a fee at the annual rate of 0.25% of the average daily net assets of the Fund's Class Q Shares for service activities (as defined in paragraph (e), below) as designated by Distributor.
Unless otherwise requested, all Class Q Shares will be issued as registered shares.