Examples of Classroom course in a sentence
Students must complete one Learning Beyond the Classroom course or noncredit experience offered by EMU.
Students must complete one Learning Beyond the Classroom course or noncredit experience offered by EMU and one approved Writing Intensive course.
The results table shows the correlation between emotional intelligence and organizational Health (0.34) is positive and significant.Used the stepwise multiple regression to examine the crucial role of group emotional intelligence in organizational health.
This includes and is not limited to the following: • Classroom course instruction and instructors’ presentations• Course content, materials, and assessments• Course records, records of assessments, attendance rosters, and other aspects of instructionCourse Instructors grant Prometric, NASAA or its designees the right to audit or inspect these records at the premises of the provider or at the physical location of such records.
Classroom course instruction must be completed prior to signing up for the student’s final BTW training session.