Clean desk definition
Examples of Clean desk in a sentence
Clean desk & clear screen We always keep our workspace tidy and do not print documentsunless absolutely necessary.
Team ‘areas’ refer to a designated bank of desks where staff work when at their base.Staff must remember that they can work from any CCG location and managers must ensure staff feel comfortable when working from temporary desks and areas.5.2 Clean Desk Principles Clean desk principles must be adopted by all CCG staff, as all desks may be used by other CCG staff.
Consider if communication through written channel is secured, or if it should be done through verbal channels.• Clean desk.
Along with a copy of the tardy policies, schedules, and the Vend-inc agreement.11.4 Clean desk policyOur environment is expected to be clean, organized, and professional looking.
Clean desk tops and tables if cleared. Low dust (below hand height) all surfaces, including sills, ledges, moldings, shelves, pictures frames, vents and grills. Clean all display screens Clean all sinks and sample basins Vacuum and damp mop ceramic floor tile Sweep and mop stairs and landings.
Terrorism is deemed to be an activity that has been: - committed for political, religious, ideological or other similar purposes, comprises a violent act or unlawful use of force or an unlawful act and compromises the life or tangible assets of people; - committed by a person or a group of persons that acts because of political, ideological, ethnical, religious or other similar considerations; - aimed at threatening or influencing, etc., civilian population, state or government.
This includes: • Staff training• "Clean desk" procedures• Need-to-know and authorisation policies• Just-in-time collection policies• Password protection• Policies on laptop, mobile phone and portable storage device security;• Policy on timely culling• Culling procedures including shredding and secure disposal etc.
These should be guided by the prescripts mentioned in paragraph 1.3.The following topics will be addressed in this section:4.1 Password use4.2 Employee, Contract or Account termination4.3 Unattended user ICT equipment4.4 Clean desk policy and clear screen policy 4.1 Password use The allocation of passwords shall be controlled through a formal management process.All personnel are responsible for all activities performed with their personal user IDs/passwords.
Do not discuss inside information in front of others, either by phone or through regular conversations.• Communication channels: Consider if communication through written channel is secured, or if it should be done through verbal channels.• Clean desk: Especially when handling inside information kept through physical documents.• ”Clean room”: Make sure to never leave documents with inside information at meeting rooms or common areas.
This policy is to establish the minimum requirements for handling data and maintaining a "Clean desk" - where sensitive/critical information about Institute employees, students, Institute intellectual property, and Institute vendors is handled correctly, is secure in locked areas and out of sight.