Examples of Cleanup standards in a sentence
Cleanup standards for these areas should be based on the level and type of contamination and the purposes for which the area is intended to be reused, as outlined in the local land use plan.
Cleanup standards are established under Part 7 of this chapter and include the concentrations the cleanup action must meet (cleanup levels), the location where those concentrations must be met (points of compliance), and other regulatory requirements that apply to the cleanup action or site.
Cleanup standards are addressed in Fact Sheet #21 Remedy Selection.
Under 42 USC § 9621, Cleanup standards, and 40 CFR Part 300.400, Subpart E, Hazard Substance Response, the portion of any CERCLA response actions that are conducted all on-site is exempt from requirements to obtain federal, state, and local permits.
Cleanup standards set forth in this section apply to only exempt E&P spills that do not: escape off the lease or enter any surface or ground water.
Cleanup standards and cleanup actions selected under this chapter shall be established that protect human health and the environment for current and potential future site and resource uses.(5) Presumption for cleanup actions.
The inclusion criteria were: age 60 years and older, Mini-Mental State Examination score≥25.
Cleanup standards for meth and VOCs are deemed applicable to all meth manufacturing sites, regardless of the cooking method(s) used.
With respect to any indemnified matters involving Cleanup, the Indemnitor shall be liable only to the extent of Cleanup necessary to achieve Cleanup standards consistent with any pre-Closing uses of any properties or facilities defined under applicable Environmental Laws.
Cleanup standards also tend to be flexible and negotiable, and the states generally do not get involved in deciding the methods or technologies to be used to achieve cleanup results.