Examples of Client Material in a sentence
The Client grants to Deswik a non-exclusive, global, irrevocable, perpetual license to exercise: the Intellectual Property Rights in any Client Material in connection with Deswik providing Services to the Client, including to use and modify the Client Material for that purpose; and the Project IP in connection with Deswik’s business, including to reuse non Client-specific Project IP for other clients of Deswik.
For the avoidance of doubt this shall include any claim that the Company’s use of the Client Material infringes the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any third party.
Client Material means any material provided by or to which access is given by the Client to Deswik for the purposes of this agreement including documents, equipment, reports, technical information, studies, plans, charts, drawings, calculations, tables, trademarks, logos, schedules and data stored by any means.
Valassis will not be responsible for the accuracy or reproduction quality of Client Material that does not conform to the printing specifications.
Handling fees relating to the Client Material will be charged to Client in accordance with Sections 9.1(iii) and 9.2.3.