Climate definition

Climate means the long-term weather average observed within a geographic region, and climate change refers to fluctuations in the Earth’s climate system as a result of both natural and anthropogenic causes. Currently the long term climate change trend is evidenced by rising global temperatures; increasing storm intensity extremes within the hydrologic cycle resulting in more frequent floods and droughts; and rising sea level.
Climate means compilation of weather conditions in a certain area characterized by long- term statistical quantity of meteorological elements in such area.
Climate means the measurement of the mean and variability of relevant quantities of certain variables of the atmosphere over a period of time;

Examples of Climate in a sentence

  • The first version of Climate City Contract 2030 was signed in 2020, the second in 2021 and the third in 2022.

  • The Climate City Contract is to be updated and renewed for each new year.

  • An EU-level process on Climate City Contracts has been established in the international cooperation on the mission and a number of Swedish cities have been successful in becoming involved in the work of the mission regarding climate-neutral cities with funding from Horizon Europe.

  • These elements have not altered in Växjö over the past year, and so there are no major amendments to the Climate City Contract itself either.

  • The Climate City Contract also places Sweden and Swedish cities in a favourable position to act as international pioneers in the urban climate transition.

More Definitions of Climate

Climate. “Risk*”, “Climate risk*”, “Natural hazard*”, “Catastrophe*”, “Natcat*”, “Low- probability event*”, “Risk perception”
Climate means the average weather conditions prevailing in an area over a period of at least thirty years characterized by statistics of the meteorological elements;
Climate. Grows best in deep, well drained loams with a pH of 4.5-8.2 (mean 6.2). It produces best growth between 25 and 40°C, and little growth below about 15°C. The growth ceases at 10°C. It normally grows in areas with rainfall >1,000 mm. It can tolerate moderate drought as the root system is very deep. It is susceptible to prolonged flooding or water logging. Land Preparation: The land is thoroughly prepared generally by 2-3 ploughing followed by planking. It is a long duration crop; hence periodical tillage activities like other crops are not possible after the crop occupies the field. Plantings can also be done on flat beds. Improved varieties: Area of cultivation Varieties Central India, North East Hills and Northern Hills IGFRI Hybrid Xxxxxx - 3 Whole Country Pusa Giant & NB -21 Tamil nadu, Karnataka, AP and Gujrat Co-1, Co-2 and Co-3 Hilly, Sub Humid and Sub Temperate India IGFRI-7 Punjab PBN-83 Whole Country IGFR- 10 Sowing time: This crop can be cultivated throughout the year under the Indian condition. Best time of showing is between 15th February to 15th March. Seed rate: Being a sterile hybrid, the grass is planted by roots and stem cuttings. Sowing method: Stem or root cuttings are generally used for propagation of this crop with a spacing of 50 x 50 cm. While planting, two nodes are buried inside the soil and one node is exposed to outside. Manures and fertilizers: 25-40 tonnes/ ha of FYM is to be applied at the time of final land preparation. This crop requires (per ha) about, 53 kg urea, 87 kg DAP and 67kg MOP (NPK:40:40:40). After every cut 40 kg nitrogen is applied as topdressing. Irrigation: The crop needs liberal irrigation, so it should be planted in well moist soil condition. The crop needs regular irrigation at an interval of 15-18 days in March-May, at 10- 12 days interval during summer months.
Climate means those weather stations which record temperature and rainfall observations. Note: the definition of ‘Climate’ differs within the Partner Countries.
Climate three building control systems (‘GBS’), one for BIT-1, one for BIT-2A and one for BIT-2BCD, these ensure the right temperature and humidity in the server rooms, at least N+1 cooling, N+1 humidification. • Cabling (interference): cables are located in cable ducts in the office and in server rooms, in the server rooms under the raised computer floor in two ducts: one for power and fibre optic cables and one for UTP network cabling, large connections (cooling and UPSs) in separate ducts in the server room. • Network redundancy: network equipment is spread over locations BIT-1 and BIT-2, there is redundancy in routers, switches, internal and external connections (multiple connections to transit suppliers and all large European Internet Exchanges), geographically separated routes between BIT-1 and BIT-2, and between BIT-1 and a PoP in Amsterdam and BIT-2 and another PoP in Amsterdam. The network is based on dynamic routing where the failure of components will automatically lead to another path to route the traffic around the failed components. • Storage: full redundant storage for production and backup, geographically separated storage of data in BIT-1 and BIT-2, backup storage runs on different hardware than production storage. • Load balancing: a large number of services is automatically load balanced, for most other services load balancing is optionally available, load balanced services have the load balancers and servers geographically separated in BIT-1 and BIT-2. • Logical access: forced password policy, access lists for access to IP addresses on information systems of BIT, RBAC, VPN with 2-factor authentication, firewalls, central logging of BIT information system and detection systems for certain unauthorised changes.
Climate means the long-term weather average observed within a geographic region, and climate change refers to fluctuations in the Earth’s climate system as a result of both natural and anthropogenic causes.
Climate means the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities, such as surface variables, including, without limitation, temperature, precipitation, and wind, on Earth over a period oT time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years. Climate is the state, including a statistical description, of the Climate System. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (JPCC), 2012: Glossary of terms. In: Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance-Climate Change Adaptation [Field, C.8., V. Barros, T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L, Ebi, M.D, Mastrandrea,