Closed network definition

Closed network means a network configuration in which voting system components connect to and communicate only with each other and not with the Internet or any other computer network.
Closed network means a network CONFIGURATION IN WHICH VOTING
Closed network or “closed circuit” means all digital recording equipment and all other associated surveillance equipment that shall be designed, configured, and maintained on a separate and exclusive network system located on the same premises as the casino, or on property adjacent to the casino which has been approved by the DCI for the location of surveillance equipment pursuant to subrule 141.10(1). This closed network system shall not be touched by, connected to, or partitioned from any other network, unless approval has been received from the assistant director for gaming operations of the DCI. Approval or disapproval of such a request by the assistant director is subject to review by the director of the DCI or the commissioner of public safety.

Examples of Closed network in a sentence

  • Closed network prepaid cards, electronic benefits transfer, and dynamic currency conversion are not supported for GPISF processing.

  • Closed network payment systems are relied on by most MSBs that provide remittance transfer services.The other major type of system, typically referred to as an ‘‘open network’’ payment system, is one in which no one entity necessarily exerts end-to-end control over a remittance transfer.

  • Many normal transactions could not be promptly processed and confirmed; ⚫ Closed network structure: could not achieve cross-chain interaction between different chains, could not meet the needs of business interaction between multiple platforms.

  • The number, identity and location of a participant can be dynamic and unknown to the other partici- pants (see also Closed network).

  • Closed network assump- tions are no longer valid but it is not always possible to add security features to legacy systems, so alternative approaches are needed.At a more general level, we need to consider if there is adequate oversight for the introduction and operation of new technology like ERTMS and whether there are sufficient technical resources available to the regulator.

More Definitions of Closed network

Closed network here means a dedicated network for business use and is defined as a network not connected to the Internet. There are three connection forms that offer closed networks: a common carrier leased line, public network, and closed IP communication network.
Closed network means a network structure where IN WHICH devices are not
Closed network means a Private Network or Semi-Private Network in which an ARMZ Unit allows only a select list (User List) of AT&T customers to access ARMZ.
Closed network or “closed circuit” means all digital recording equipment and all other
Closed network means a network structurewhere IN WHICH devices are not connected to the internet or other office automation networks, except as allowable under section RULE
Closed network means a network structure in which devices are not connected to the internet or other office automation networks, except as allowable under this Rule 21.
Closed network. Has the same meaning as Closed Network defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 108D-1(6).