Cluster group definition
Examples of Cluster group in a sentence
These utilities do not participate in the Galera Cluster group communi- cations and remain unaware of the Primary Component.If you want to monitor the Galera Cluster node status poll the wsrep_local_state (page 318) status variable or through the Notification Command (page 200).For more information on monitoring the state of cluster nodes, see the chapter on Monitoring the Cluster (page 138).The cluster determines node connectivity from the last time it received a network packet from the node.
There are also several Technical Working Groups (TWGs) in these areas chaired by the Ministry of Health which are important fora in establishing dialogue.The HPF evaluation found that while the humanitarian Health Cluster (group) seems to be working well, coordination of development partners has considerable scope for improvement.
These utilities do not participate in the Galera Cluster group communi- cations and remain unaware of the Primary Component.If you want to monitor the Galera Cluster node status poll the wsrep_local_state (page 317) status variable or through the Notification Command (page 200).For more information on monitoring the state of cluster nodes, see the chapter on Monitoring the Cluster (page 138).The cluster determines node connectivity from the last time it received a network packet from the node.
The HPF evaluation found that while the humanitarian Health Cluster (group) seems to be working well, coordination of development partners has considerable scope for improvement.
If the service user is assessed with needs that will be met by the ACMHS, this will be within one or more of the following options in line with their Cluster group • Outpatient review• Psychological therapy referral• Arts Therapies referral• Occupational Therapy• Social Care Outcomes Assessment• Allocation of a social worker, CMHN, or Occupational Therapist for those with the most complex needs.
WV and APHEDA’s MHPSS efforts are child focused and integrated within the Gaza based MHPSS Cluster group chaired by UNICEF, allowing extension of lessons learned to other providers of MHPSS services.
In previous years the Millbrook Parish Council has split the cost, reinvoicing the Rame Cluster group parish councils.It was proposed by Cllr Wood, seconded by Cllr Roberts and unanimously agreed by all councillors that the Council continues with this arrangement.
The experiences and good practice cases compiled by the Cluster group are showing the way.* Teachers need to be equipped with the digital competence themselves, in order to support this process.
These utilities do not participate in the Galera Cluster group communi- cations and remain unaware of the Primary Component.If you want to monitor the Galera Cluster node status poll the wsrep_local_state (page 319) status variable or through the Notification Command (page 200).For more information on monitoring the state of cluster nodes, see the chapter on Monitoring the Cluster (page 138).The cluster determines node connectivity from the last time it received a network packet from the node.
A meeting was convened last 15 May 2017 to organize the MARINA SDC Cluster group composed of industry experts on ship design and construction as counterpart of the IMO sub-committee on SDC; to discuss the key issues of the agenda items presented during the 4th session of the Sub-Com on SDC last 13 – 17 February 2017 attended by our Maritime Attaché, SRS and MSS Director; and, to invite members to join the succeeding sessions of the SDC sub-committee.