Examples of Cluster Members in a sentence
Cluster Members and IMVC’s brokerage role do not represent or exonerate the RTO from their responsibilities to AQTF or SNR.
The Cluster Members shall provide the Cluster Lead with a list of available warehouses and its load capacity for the use of the Cluster during Disaster.
The Shelter Guidelines aim to facilitate the work of Cluster Members in a harmonised manner during shelter implementation.
As a Proof of Concept (PoC), we implement an Ethereum blockchain in virtual machines with Cluster Members (CMs) and CH to simulate the SMT.
This is specific to a few clusters onlyPlease note that it has not been possible in the time available to map out the role and responsibilities of Cluster Members including, in particular, those of Sub-Cluster leads.
For this scenario we assume that Cluster Members (CM) communicate with their CHs every time they need to transfer data and that communication between each node and the CH is typically one-hop.
Termination will be decided by consent of at least 75% of the Active Cluster Members, and does not include the consent of the member in question.
The use of this tool is important in the sense that it assists in building awareness among the EIFCCOS Cluster Members about the fundamental factors for building competitiveness and success of the Cluster.
DSR is validated by the Cluster Members, DIC Belgavi, Representative from MSME-DI Hubli, KCTU.
PLASTIC SHEETING (NFI KIT)EMREGENCYLIGHT WEIGHT TENTSEMERGENCY SHELTER KITTENTSTemporarySHELTER KITSPLASTIC SHEET & TIMBERSemi-PermanentCGI SHELTERSWattle & DaubSS BLOCKSPERMANENTCONCRETE BLOCKSFigure 1: Options currently in use in Somalia by Cluster Members 6.4 Plastic Sheeting (through the minimum NFI kit) Plastic sheeting or tarpaulins (4m x 5m plastic sheeting with eyelets) are contained in the Cluster‟s minimum kit.