Collection Service Agreement definition
Examples of Collection Service Agreement in a sentence
DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1.01 DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Agreement, the capitalized words will have the following meanings unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:Agreement - this Exclusive Residential Collection Service Agreement.
Contractor will allow City personnel or contractors to Self-Haul Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials, Organic Materials generated through City operations to the Contractor’s designated Transfer Station at no additional charge pursuant to the annual limits noted in the Collection Service Agreement.
Please note that affected Article Numbers of the Collection Service Agreement below are not exhaustive, but used for general reference.
The current rates for the Cart Collection Service Agreement and the Container Collection Services Agreement are shown below and on the following pages in Tables 4, 5, and 6.
Temporary collection and processing of non-putrescible Solid Waste by 242 utilizing a Container for the temporary collection of Construction and Debris Materials by a person 243 or company that holds a valid Non-Exclusive Temporary Construction and Demolition Debris 244 Collection Service Agreement from the CITY and the delivery of that material to permitted and 245 licensed Processing Facility.
The County’s DSWM will assist the public schools and FCC with outreach and education in the following ways: o Providing education on the Department websiteo Educating principals and administrative staff when requested by FCPSo Attending outreach events when requested by FCPSo Assisting with promotional and educational materials when requested by FCPSRecycling ContractFCPS has its own Recyclable Collection Service Agreement for recycling collection.
Resolution Of The City Council Of The City Of Emeryville Authorizing The Extension Of The Term Of The Collection Service Agreement Between The City Of Emeryville and Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc.
On December 20, 2011, CITY entered into a Collection Service Agreement (Agreement) with Recology Yuba-Sutter for solid waste collection, disposal, and recycling services within the corporate limits of CITY.
Any agreement for commercial Collection, disposal and/or recycling service shall not have a term that exceeds the Term of this Agreement, nor shall any such agreement include charges for services that exceed the charges The terms and conditions of this Commercial Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Service Agreement is regulated by a franchise granted by Lee County.
For the purpose of this Collection Service Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT,” the definitions contained in this Article shall apply unless otherwise specifically stated.