Examples of Neighborhood area in a sentence
Neighborhood area councils are intended to facilitate communication between residents and city officials.
This district implements the North Neighborhood area as identified in the 2010 Northeast and Downtown Leavenworth Redevelopment Plan.
Land Use Goal 2: The Downtown Neighborhood area will promote infill de- velopment of surface parking lots and vacant parcels, and redevelopment of distressed structures and properties.
The CTDEP will maintain an office in the Newhall Street Neighborhood area and will be available to answer questions of Relocating Residents related to the Project or temporary relocation.
Kevin Dawson, representing the UCR Neighborhood Association, discussed his concerns regarding the limited timeframe to review and comment on the DEIR and requested a public hearing in the evening at UCR; the air quality and noise impacts to the UCR Neighborhood area; lack of mitigation to access local parks; and need for quiet zones.