Column shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the preamble to this Agreement.
Table 1 means Table 1 of the Reporting ITS.
Order Level means the price indicated in the Order.
Bill Date The date when a CenturyLink service is billed and/or invoiced to a customer. The Bill Date is generally the date one (1) Day past the billing cycle close date and will appear on any such bill or invoice.
Poverty level means the annual family income for a family unit of a particular size, as specified in the poverty guidelines updated annually in the Federal Register by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Top Level Domain means the portion of the Domain Name to the right of the right-most period. (In the example, “COM”.) “Second Level Domain” means that portion of a domain name to the left of the right-most period, up to the second period from the right, if any, plus the Top Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.) “Third Level Domain” means that portion of a domain name to the left of the second period from the right, if any, up to the third period from the right, if any, plus the Second Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.).
How We Will Calculate Your Balance We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)." See Your Account Agreement for details.
Hourly Rates means payment on the basis of hours of Contract Work as set out in the Criminal Remuneration Regulations;
Monthly Average Subscriber Level means the average number of Subscribers of the Licensee in a particular month, as set forth in the applicable month’s Subscriber Report (refer Schedule D).
Level II means a component of the federal PASRR requirement. Level II refers to the evaluation and determination of whether nursing facility services and specialized services are needed for individuals with mental illness or developmental disability who are potential nursing facility admissions, regardless of the source of payment for the nursing facility service (42 CFR 483.128(a)). Level II evaluations include assessment of the individual’s physical, mental, and functional status (42 CFR 483.132).
Federal poverty level means the poverty guidelines published annually in the federal register by the United States department of health and human services under its authority to revise the poverty line under section 673(2) of subtitle B of title VI of the omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1981, Public Law 97-35, 42 USC 9902.
Mean Sea Level means the average height of the sea for all stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for establishing various elevations within the floodplain. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the term is synonymous with the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, to which Base Flood Elevations shown on a community's Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.
Level IV and “Level V”: the respective Level set forth below: Level I A- or higher A3 or higher Level II BBB+ Baa1 Level III BBB Baa2 Level IV BBB- Baa3 Level V BB+ or lower Ba1 or lower provided that if on any day the Applicable Xxxxx’x Rating and the Applicable S&P Rating do not coincide for any rating category and the Level differential is (x) one level, then the higher of the Applicable S&P Rating or the Applicable Xxxxx’x Rating will be the applicable Level; (y) two levels, the Level at the midpoint will be the applicable Level; and (z) more than two levels, the highest of the intermediate Levels will be the applicable Level; provided further that if on any day, neither the Applicable Xxxxx’x Rating nor the Applicable S&P Rating is available, the applicable Level shall be Level V.
Initial Level means, in respect of an Index, the level specified as such in the applicable Issue Terms.
Working level month (WLM) means an exposure to 1 working level for 170 hours (2,000 working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month).
Bill Due Date means thirty (30) calendar days from the bill date.
Minimum Level (ML means the concentration at which the entire analytical system must give a recognizable signal and an acceptable calibration point. The ML is the concentration in a sample that is equivalent to the concentration of the lowest calibration standard analyzed by a specific analytical procedure, assuming that all the method-specified sample weights, volumes and processing steps have been followed.
Schedule of Rates means the priced Schedule of Rates forming part of the tender [where applicable].
Floor Level means that stage of construction which in the completed building would constitute the walking surface of the particular floor level referred to in the table of payments.
Level 4 means a project of greater than 550 kWac and not more than 1 MWac.
Capitation Payment means a payment the STATE makes periodically to the MCO for each Enrollee covered under the Contract for the provision of services as defined in Article 6 regardless of whether the Enrollee receives these services during the period covered by the payment.
KPI means the key performance indicators as set out in Schedule 5;
Schedule of Discount Fractions The schedule setting forth the Discount Fractions with respect to the Discount Mortgage Loans, attached as an exhibit to the Series Supplement.
Table means the table at the end of this §4a.
Capitation means the reimbursement arrangement in which a fixed rate of payment per Enrollee per month is made to the Contractor for the performance of all of the Contractor’s duties and obligations pursuant to this Contract.
Highest-level owner means the entity that owns or controls an immediate owner of the offeror, or that owns or controls one or more entities that control an immediate owner of the offeror. No entity owns or exercises control of the highest level owner.