Combustion Zone Gas definition
Examples of Combustion Zone Gas in a sentence
The Defendants may use the data generated by this instrument or restriction orifice as part of the calculation of the Net Heating Value of the Combustion Zone Gas.
Settling Defendants may utilize the data generated by this system as part of the calculation of the Net Heating Value of the Combustion Zone Gas.
The Applicable Defendant may use the data generated by this instrument or restriction orifice as part of calculating the Net Heating Value of the Combustion Zone Gas.
This is not at all surprising considering the increasing financial authority that has been devolved to elected local governments.
For each Covered Flare except the DDU Flare, failure to comply with the Net Heating Value in the Combustion Zone Gas (NHVcz)standard in Paragraph 33.b:On a per Covered Flare basis, Hours per Calendar Quarter in NoncompliancePenalty per Hour or fraction thereof per Covered FlareHours 0.25-50.0 $150Hours 50.25-100.0 $350Hours over 100 $500For purposes of calculating the number of hours of noncompliance with the NHV standard, all 15-minute periods of violation shall be added together to determine the total.
Failure to comply with the Net Heating Value in the Combustion Zone Gas (“NHVcz”) standard in Paragraph A15On a per Flare Penalty per hour, basis, hours per calendar or fraction thereof quarter in noncompliance per flare Hours 0.25–50.0 $ 25Hours 50.25–100.0 $ 75Hours over 100.0 $ 150 For purposes of calculating the number of hours of noncompliance with the NHVcz standard, all 15-minuteperiods of violation shall be added together to determine the total.111.g. Violation of Paragraph A16.
The owner/operator shall determine the Net Heating Value of the Combustion Zone Gas (NHVcz) as specified in Conditions 2.B.5)d)2]a] and 2.B.5)d)2]b] below:a] For the Direct Calculation Method, determine the 15-minute block average NHVcz based on the 15-minute block average Vent Gas and assist gas flow rates using the equation below (Flare Appendix III, Equation 3):NHVcz = (Qvg∗NHVvg)(Qvg+Qs+Qa,premix)ℎ,: ℎ , /.: ℎ ℎ 15 − , /.: ℎ 15 − , .: ℎ 15 − , ., : ℎ 15 − , .
The Applicable Defendant must calculate NHVvg for the BDO Flare, Deepwell Flare, and Methanol Continuous Flare in accordance with Appendix 2.3.b. Net Heating Value of Combustion Zone Gas (NHVcz) for all Covered Flares except Unassisted Flares.