Comment definition

Comment means the findings and recommendations of the Council for- mally provided in writing to the head of a Federal agency under section 106.
Comment means a response to an article or social media content submitted by a commenter.
Comment means any written state- ment of fact or opinion submitted by an interested party relative to a filing.

Examples of Comment in a sentence

  • Prepare and submit a Record of Comment to clearly address the resolution to each City review comment.

More Definitions of Comment

Comment means any oral or written statement made by any person, not under oath, in any proceeding before the commission.
Comment. If the collected material is a haz- ardous waste under part 261 of this Chapter, it must be managed as a hazardous waste in accordance with all applicable requirements of parts 262 through 266 of this chapter. If the collected material is discharged through a point source to waters of the United States, it is subject to the requirements of section 402 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.]
Comment means the act of stating one's observa- tions clearly in the report.
Comment means a response to a municipality posting or social media content or posting submitted by a commenter.
CommentThe Parties should take into consideration that in some legal systems payment of interest is unlawful, or is subject to a legal maximum rate, or there is provision for statutory interest on late payments.]
Comment means any input, data, content, information, remarks, or suggestions that Member communicates or delivers to RESO in any way that are provided (i) for purposes of contributing to RESO Products and (ii) while Member is bound by this MIPRA.