Commissioned means that all of the Commissioning Tests have been successfully completed, followed or passed (as appropriate) in relation to the Facility (or a part of the Facility), and grammatical variations thereof shall be construed accordingly;
The Works means the work or works to be executed or done under this contract.
Digital audio-visual works which means a series of related images which, when shown in succession, impart an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds, if any;
Construction Works means all works and things necessary to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement;
Work/ works means work / works to be executed in accordance with the contract.
Day works means varied work inputs subject to payment on a time basis for the Service Provider's employees and equipment, in addition to payments for associated materials and administration.
audiovisual work means a work that consists of a series of related images which impart the impression of motion, with or without accompanying sounds, susceptible of being made visible and, where accompanied by sounds, susceptible of being made audible;
Technical Information means technical data or computer software, as those terms are defined in the clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, Rights in Technical Data-Non Commercial Items, regardless of whether or not the clause is incorporated in this solicitation or contract. Examples of technical information include research and engineering data, engineering drawings, and associated lists, specifications, standards, process sheets, manuals, technical reports, technical orders, catalog-item identifications, data sets, studies and analyses and related information, and computer software executable code and source code.
Controlled technical information means technical information with military or space application that is subject to controls on the access, use, reproduction, modification, performance, display, release, disclosure, or dissemination. Controlled technical information would meet the criteria, if disseminated, for distribution statements B through F using the criteria set forth in DoD Instruction 5230.24, Distribution Statements on Technical Documents. The term does not include information that is lawfully publicly available without restrictions.
The Works/ Project means the works to be executed or done under this contract.
Development Works means the external development works and internal development works on immovable property;
Non-Public Works and Improvements means all competitively solicited procurement of Supplies and/or Services by the City not solicited as Public Works.
Digital audio-visual work means a series of related images which, when shown in succession, imparts an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds, if any.
Work means all Services to be performed, goods to be delivered, and any appurtenant actions performed, and items produced, conceived, or developed, including Deliverables.
Noncommercial computer software means software that does not qualify as commercial computer software under paragraph (a)(1) of this clause.
Urgent Works means any urgent measures, which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge become necessary during the progress of the work to obviate any risk of accident or failure or which become necessary for security.
Private Improvements means the improvements to be constructed on the Property that are not Public Improvements.