Competitive Business means any firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation and/or any other Person, and/or any licensee of such entity, that develops, manufactures, markets, distributes, provides, offers, or sells any services or products substantially similar to First Party’s services or products.
Competitive Range means the responsive submissions that meet the evaluation criteria and are considered to be reasonably susceptible of award.
Competitive service means any service offered by an electric
Competitive Position means any employment with a Competitor in which Executive will use or is likely to use any Confidential Information or Trade Secrets, or in which Executive has duties for such Competitor that relate to Competitive Services and that are the same or similar to those services actually performed by Executive for the Company;
Competitive contracting means the method described in sections 45 through 49 of P.L.1999, c.440 (C.18A:18A-4.1 through C.18A:18A-4.5) of contracting for specialized goods and services in which formal proposals are solicited from vendors; formal proposals are evaluated by the purchasing agent or counsel or School Business Administrator; and the Board awards a contract to a vendor or vendors from among the formal proposals received.
Competitive negotiation means a procedure for contracting for supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services, in which proposals are solicited from qualified suppliers by a request for proposals, and changes may be negotiated in proposals and prices after being submitted.
Competitive when used in reference to any Loan or Borrowing, refers to whether such Loan, or the Loans constituting such Borrowing, are made pursuant to Section 2.04.
Competitive employment means work in the competitive labor market that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis in an integrated setting and for which an individual is compensated at or above the minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals who are not disabled.
Competitive Sealed Bidding means the competitive process described within an Invitation for Bids, wherein the City invites Offerors to submit bids to supply the City with the Goods and/or Service describes in the Solicitation document, where the City will award the resulting contract to the responsible Offeror submitting the low responsive bid.
Competitive Product means a product or service, made or provided by a Competitor, which is the same as or is directly competitive with one with respect to which the Employee acquired confidential information relating to the Company, or its business, products or services by reason of the Employee's work with the Company.
Competitive Products shall include any product or service that directly or indirectly competes with, is substantially similar to, or serves as a reasonable substitute for, any product or service in research, development or design, or manufactured, produced, sold or distributed by the Company;
Competitive Products or Services means, as of any time, those products or services of the type that any of the Bank Entities is providing, or is actively preparing to provide, to its customers.
Competitive Services means engaging in the business of commercial and mortgage banking, including, without limitation, originating, underwriting, closing and selling loans, receiving deposits, as well as the business of providing any other activities, products, or services of the type routinely conducted, offered, or provided by Employer as of or during the two years immediately prior to the Date of Termination.
Competitive Set As defined in the STR Reports. Lessor and Lessee shall work in good faith to determine any additions and deletions to the Hotel’s Competitive Set, on or before November 15th of each year, with such changes to be applicable for the following Fiscal Year. In the event Lessor and Lessee cannot agree to the Hotel’s Competitive Set by November 15th of any year, such unagreed items shall be determined by Xxxxx Travel Research (or, if it refuses or is unable to do so, by arbitration pursuant to Section 25.2). The costs of resetting the Hotel’s Competitive Set shall be borne equally by the parties.
Competitive Activities means any business activities in which the Company or any other member of the Company Group engage (or have committed plans to engage) during the Term of Employment, or, following termination of Employee’s employment hereunder, was engaged in business (or had committed plans to engage) at the time of such termination of employment.
Competitive Business Activity means:
Competitive Activity will not include (i) the mere ownership of securities in any such enterprise and the exercise of rights appurtenant thereto or (ii) participation in the management of any such enterprise other than in connection with the competitive operations of such enterprise.
Competitive Real Estate Commission means a real estate or brokerage commission for the purchase or sale of property that is reasonable, customary, and competitive in light of the size, type, and location of the property.
Competitive solicitation means a formal, advertised procurement process, other than an Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposals, or Invitation to Negotiate, approved by the Board to purchase commodities and/or services which affords vendors fair treatment in the competition for award of a District purchase contract.
Open Competitive Bidding means a fair and transparent specified procedure defined under these Rules, advertised in the prescribed manner, leading to the award of a contract whereby all interested persons, firms, companies or organizations may bid for the contract and includes both National and International Competitive Biddings;
Competitive Entity means any person, entity or business that (i) competes with any of the Company’s or any of its affiliate’s programming or other existing businesses, nationally or regionally; or (ii) directly competes with any other business of the Company or one of its subsidiaries that produced greater than 10% of the Company’s revenues in the calendar year immediately preceding the year in which the determination is made. Ownership of not more than 1% of the outstanding stock of any publicly traded company shall not, by itself, be a violation of this paragraph. This agreement not to compete will expire on the first anniversary of the date on which your employment with the Company has terminated if such termination occurs prior to the Expiration Date. For the avoidance of doubt, this agreement not to compete will expire on the Expiration Date if the termination of your employment with the Company occurs on the Expiration Date.
Competitive Enterprise means any business enterprise that either (i) engages in any material activity that competes anywhere with any business or enterprise engaged in the design, manufacturing, marketing or sale of lighting fixtures, controls and related products in the commercial, residential or industrial markets or (ii) holds a 5% or greater equity, voting or profit participation interest in any enterprise that engages in such a competitive activity.
Competitive Process means either an Open Competition or an Invitational Competition;
competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in paragraph 12 (1) (d) of this Policy;
Competitive bidding means a transparent process for procurement of equipment, services and works in which bids are invited by the project developer by open advertisement covering the scope and specifications of the equipment, services and works required for the project, and the terms and conditions of the proposed contract as well as the criteria by which bids shall be evaluated, and shall include domestic competitive bidding and international competitive bidding;
Prospective review means utilization review conducted prior to an admission or a course of treatment.