Comprehensive development definition
Examples of Comprehensive development in a sentence
Comprehensive development means that a community's potential lies in the identification and creation of a shared vision, planned by local leadership, and carried out by an array of partners.
Comprehensive development marshals resources and deploys coordinated strategies in a concentrated area to create opportunities for others in the community to take prudent risks and reap the rewards.
Comprehensive development involves development and sale of residential properties, development and management of commercial properties, and development and operation of tourism projects.
Comprehensive development of the region and an effective solution to the problem of regional investment distribution is possible only if there is a regional investment policy.Within the framework of the regional investment policy, the activities of government bodies, as well as non-government entities, can be implemented to introduce the system of measures and mechanisms to stimulate investment activity, create a favourable investment climate and efficient use of investment resources in the region.
Comprehensive development of water supply system shall include augmentation of source & treatment, laying transmission and feeder mains, augmenting storage capacity and distribution network improvement (DNI).