Consultation and Amendment. 1. Each Contracting Party may request that a consultation be held on any matter that both Contracting Parties agree to discuss.
2. This Agreement may amended at any time, if it deems necessary, by mutual consent.
Consultation and Amendment. (1) Either Contracting Party may request for consultations to be held on any matter concerning this Agreement. The other Contracting Party shall accord sympathetic consideration to the proposal and shall afford adequate opportunity for such consultations.
(2) This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of both Contracting Parties at any time after it is in force. Any alteration or modification of this Agreement shall be done without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising from this agreement prior to the date of such alteration or modification until such rights and obligations are fully implemented.
Consultation and Amendment. 1. Either Party may request that consultations be held on any matter concerning this, Agreement. The other Party shall accord sympathetic consideration to the proposal and shall afford adequate opportunity for such consultations.
2. This Agreement may be amended by written agreement between the Parties. Any amendment shall enter into force when each Party has notified the other that it has completed all internal requirements for entry into force of such amendment.
Consultation and Amendment. (1) Either Contracting Party may request that consultation be held on any matter concerning this Agreement. The other Contracting Party shall accord consideration to the proposal and shall afford adequate opportunity for such consultations.
(2) Amendments to this Agreement made by the mutual consent of the Contracting Parties form an integral part of the present Agreement, shall be made in the way of separate protocols and shall enter into force according to the procedures provided for under this Agreement. In case of future evolutions of European Union law which would affect this Agreement's provisions, the present Agreement shall be amended, if necessary, by mutual consensus of the Contracting Parties, so as to ensure the conformity of its provisions with Romania's obligations arising from the EU member status.
Consultation and Amendment. 1. In a spirit of close co-operation, the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Parties shall consult each other from time to time with a view to ensuring the implementation of, and satisfactory compliance with, the provision of this Agreement and of its Annex, and shall also consult as and when necessary to provide for modification thereof.
2. Either Contracting Party may request consultation, which may be brought through discussion or by correspondence and shall begin within a period of sixty (60) days from the date of request, unless both Contracting Parties agree to an extension of this period.
3. Any modification to this Agreement agreed upon by the Contracting Parties, shall come into force on the date on which the Contracting Parties have informed each other in writing of the completion of their respective legal requirements.
4. Any modification of the Annex to this Agreement shall be agreed upon in writing between the aeronautical authorities and shall take effect on a date to be determined by the said authorities.
Consultation and Amendment. 1. In a spirit of close cooperation the Aeronautical Authorities of the Parties may consult each other from time to time with a view to ensuring the implementation of, and satisfactory compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement.
2. Either Party may request consultations with a view to amend this Agreement and/or its Annex. These consultations shall begin within sixty (60) days from the date of the receipt of the request by the other Party, unless otherwise agreed. Such consultations may be conducted through discussion or by correspondence.
3. Any amendment to this Agreement shall be agreed upon by the Parties and shall be effected through an exchange of diplomatic notes. Such amendment shall enter into force in accordance with the provisions of Article 25 (Entry into Force) of this Agreement.
4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article any amendment of the Annex to this Agreement shall be agreed upon by the Aeronautical Authorities, and confirmed through an exchange of diplomatic notes, and shall take effect on a date to be determined in the diplomatic notes. This exception to paragraph 3 of this Article does not apply in case any traffic rights are added to the above-mentioned Annex.